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TR1 Trading Boards >> Spare part sources and looking for ... >> I'm looking for a solenoid for a TR1

Message started by gardengate on 31.07.07 at 21:34:02

Title: I'm looking for a solenoid for a TR1
Post by gardengate on 31.07.07 at 21:34:02

I'm looking for a solenoid for a TR1, an oil cap and a little cover (as marked in the picture here)
please contact me!

Title: Re: I'm looking for a solenoid for a TR1
Post by tri_trx on 03.08.07 at 11:50:59

There is a solenoid in Ebay


if you need assistance send me an email

kind regards


Title: Re: I'm looking for a solenoid for a TR1
Post by gardengate on 03.08.07 at 13:54:03

Yes, thanks...i already noticed it on e-bay ;)
Somebody could tell me if that item is exactly like the one showed in the picture above?
...cause unfortunately the tr1 is not mine..and i'm not sure it's a 5a8 version!
thanks  :-[

Title: Re: I'm looking for a solenoid for a TR1
Post by tri_trx on 04.08.07 at 12:06:07

the solenoid on e-bay is exactly like the one you shown without the cover.

kind regards
