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TR1 Discussion Boards >> General technical TR1 discussions >> Newbie - advice wanted

Message started by WestEndGuzzi on 11.08.12 at 09:04:11

Title: Newbie - advice wanted
Post by WestEndGuzzi on 11.08.12 at 09:04:11

I'm new to the TR1 but am in awe of the machine.
I have been without a bike for too long. Last was in 1981. Bought a Guzzi cali as donor for for a Triking project this winter. This whet my appetite for a two wheeler. While browsing for a chopper/bobber project next, I came across the TR1. Perfect specification, and your site is FANTASTIC. I cut my teeth at the age of 13 on a 350 Ariel, rigid with girder forks, this is what MY TR1 will replace!!!
Are there any common faults to look out for. I did read something about front head gaskets being a regular thing.
Any advice you can give me prior to buying would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Newbie - advice wanted
Post by brikos on 21.08.12 at 23:31:42

Hi WestEnd,

Welcome at, a wonderfull website that helped me out several times.

The tr1 is a real strong bike. There are only some small things:
On the early models there was an issue with the gaskets indeed. The barrier between cam chain and cillinder was too thin and got easy blown out. The later models (without the fender mounted directly on the swingarm) have, if I'm correct, a better solution to this.

A second weak point is the startmotor and its gearing. It can make nasty sounds, have problems to engage or slip through (just do an easy search on this forum and you will get the picture). It is such a weak point you would not need to reject a bike for it, but it might be a good point for price negotiations as replacement parts are expensive.

Finally the rear exhaust pipe is often rotten and hard to find a replacement part. The good thing is that it is out of sight so (thats what I did) you can simply weld a new piece of pipe to replace the rotten parts.

but more important: it are great bikes!. the 1000cc is strong but smooth enough to do anything you want with it and with some modifications it can even be good lookin too!

good luck with buying one!

