Manfred's TR1. Discussion Boards

TR1 Discussion Boards >> Help me! I'm lost with my TR1! >> Help! my engine make terrible sound

Message started by Halvor on 11.09.13 at 21:31:47

Title: Help! my engine make terrible sound
Post by Halvor on 11.09.13 at 21:31:47

After finishing my cafe, I have had 600 km of fun for 2 days. THere have been a lot of sporty driving..... maybee to much? I adjusted valve clearing today (the gaps were wery small). When I turned the engine around I noticed a nasty sound. It was like the crank bearing was damaged? I noticed that the engine made sound around 3500 rpm when finishing my last tour. Especially on deceleration. I checked the CCT-s but found nothing. It looks like the engine must be removed?? Any experience? Sounds like crank bearing? Could it be the clutch?

Title: Re: Help! my engine make terrible sound
Post by nanno on 12.09.13 at 11:37:28

Do you have a rumble from the bottom end ? Could you give us a bit more background info/description of the sound, that might be quite helpful. And yes, crank bearing failure do happen, mostly with the original oilpump's shield being clogged up with old gunk, debris and gasket goo...


Title: Re: Help! my engine make terrible sound
Post by popeye on 12.09.13 at 14:22:59

Hallo Halvor,

what did you ? Adjusting the valves. Before that your engine ran normal. So imho the noise has something to do with your last action.

Are you sure, that the pistons were at the (correct) dead center while adjusting the valves ? (first cylinder is the rear cylinder)

Keep us up to date.

Greets from here


Title: Re: Help! my engine make terrible sound
Post by Halvor on 12.09.13 at 19:05:24

It is a bit knocking when I turn the engine manually. After hours of listening I think it comes from the transmission. Maybee the chain wheel axel? If I put it in gear and breake the rear wheel with my foot and turn the engine the sound is gone.

Yes it was there before I adjusted. I did adjustments after the manual 0,1 intake and 0,15 exhaust at TDC on firering stroke (Both arms loose).

Title: Re: Help! my engine make terrible sound
Post by stefan stein on 13.09.13 at 11:29:09

What about the chain itself?

Title: Re: Help! my engine make terrible sound
Post by Halvor on 13.09.13 at 22:43:53

Ich glaube es ist das transmission. Ich will probieren ein bissen mehr zu fahren.   :D