Manfred's TR1. Discussion Boards

TR1 Trading Boards >> Spare part sources and looking for ... >> Starter solenoid cover.

Message started by Gill on 25.05.20 at 21:16:21

Title: Starter solenoid cover.
Post by Gill on 25.05.20 at 21:16:21

Hello everybody,

Thanks for adding me to the club. A friend of mine gave me a bobbed Tr1 wich needed some work. At this point I,m working on the electronics and I,m in need of a starter solenoid cover with bolts. I allready got a ton off info from this website, so thanks for that. But this part I could not find on the partslist. Hopefully someone can help me out. Greetz from Holland.

Title: Re: Starter solenoid cover.
Post by kdemery on 30.05.20 at 16:03:47

Hello Gill

Is this what you are looking for? Item 24, I think.


Title: Re: Starter solenoid cover.
Post by Gill on 30.05.20 at 19:03:52

Thanks Kevin, you are my Hero!

Title: Re: Starter solenoid cover.
Post by kdemery on 31.05.20 at 16:35:55

Hello Gill

I may just have one. I will need to search for it. I will get back to you after the search.


Title: Re: Starter solenoid cover.
Post by kdemery on 31.05.20 at 20:27:56

I have one.

I will send you an IM.
