Manfred's TR1. Discussion Boards

TR1 Trading Boards >> Spare part sources and looking for ... >> Wanted. Grooved Blue Plane bearing.

Message started by Don on 31.07.20 at 23:28:46

Title: Wanted. Grooved Blue Plane bearing.
Post by Don on 31.07.20 at 23:28:46


I am a having some issues finding  a plane bearing for a engine build i am doing.
It was my plan to replace the con rods.

My crank is marked 3, and the con rods  6 and 4.

So i guess 6-3 for front cylinder is 3-Brown.
And 4-3 for the rear cylinder is 1-Blue.

The rear con rod has a extra oil hole and a shell with 2 holes and a groove in it.
I have not succeeded in locating this shell in blue.


Title: Re: Wanted. Grooved Blue Plane bearing.
Post by Ali on 01.08.20 at 09:55:30

As far as i know there is no "blue" bearing with a groove, only black is available,

Title: Re: Wanted. Grooved Blue Plane bearing.
Post by Don on 01.08.20 at 22:48:59

Thanks, i think you are right.