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TR1 Board Announcements And General Issues >> General and non-technical TR1 discussions >> Hello from England

Message started by Odradek on 26.11.23 at 10:48:32

Title: Hello from England
Post by Odradek on 26.11.23 at 10:48:32


I have a 1982 XV920R which I bought when I lived in America, in 1995.
In 1997 it popped out of gear while accelerating, and over-revved, resulting in bent valves.
Had no money at the time to repair it, but I put in in storage.
Turned out to be there much longer than I thought.
Now I have a garage again and want to get it back on the road.

Here's a photo of the bike in 1995.

Title: Re: Hello from England
Post by nanno on 28.11.23 at 21:16:44

Oh well hello there!