I have almost completed a 1981 TR1 for the track. I am having trouble starting it first time. The only electrics on the bike are the charging circuit (to be replaced by a total loss system later), and the ignition. I have three TCI units. All second hand and from 750 bikes. One is not giving any spark on no.1 cylinder, but the other two, I'm not sure.
I have made up an adaptor to turn the engine over with an electric drill (Plugs out). Plenty of spark, just not in the right place.
Is there any difference between the 750 and 1000 TCI units that I should know about. I've been through the wiring diagrams and can't see that they would be different except for maybe a different advance curve. (internal)
Both coils have 2.3 Ohms primary resistance, the pickup's have 550 Ohms resistance and are not shorted between each other.
It may be that I'm just unlucky and have three bad TCI units. I have another second hand one coming.
Any help appreciated. Also info on aftermarket TCI boxes.