Moin Leute,
Weil ich sicher bin das nicht nur Hollandische und Deutsche leute, aber bestimmt jede person der Welt interessiert is in mein Motorrad, schreib ich dieses mal in English. (

This topic will be the ;'Diary topic' of my bike. As I was constantly writing in the "general non tr1" discussion board, over here seemed a more suitable place. By the way: I'm a 24year old mechanical engineer, currently enrolled in a second study in Industrial engineering from the Netherlands. Ive bought this bike in Januari 2011. Previous bikes were a '73 honda cb350 four and a '77 kawasaki kz400 twin.
ill write the story chronologically, so lets start with purchasing the bike, I saw the following pictures on marktplaats (the Dutch most populair online vendor place) and thought the 850 euro pricetag was verry good. I had been watching this website for a couple of years now with irregular intervals for a good TR1.

The bike was at the dutch west coast, so at the otherside of the country for me. Fortunatly the Netherlands are less than 200km wide so after a visit I returned the day after to pick it up. As the wind was strong and the bike unreliable I decided to put my old Benz to good use:

Although the Benz is Slower, less fuel efficient, more uncomfortable and oh.. did I mentioned slower? It turned out to be a sensible thing, as the first ride I made a few days later returned in a busride back: the sparkplugs were fully gone. Replaced them and the bike was good to go again.
The ride was fine but the noise way to excessive, especially as I live in the innercity. Cause:

jay!, a big hole in the rear exhaust pipe. As these b*tches are rare, I decided to repair it. My plans are growing to make the bike into a cafe racer so already making a new one now wasn't a sensible thing. The result:

Then the exhaust was less loud. This ment I could hear all weird noises coming from the engine. I readjusted the valve clearances but there kept on being this weird nocking sound, just like when the clearance is too big. With the use of this
AWESOME forum I found out the cause: the left petcock was broken and caused a nocking sound.
The handle bars were still like this:

and as I really like the TR1 for its tour / sport looks rather than the XV chopper look, I didn't wanted a high handle bar on it, so changed it into this one:

but as the pullback was too big, and the width too narrow, it drove quite shitty. I had a old cross handle bar laying aroud that had the perfect shape&size, but was black with a reiforcement bar in between. I cutted this bar away, sprayed the handle bar in a nice shiny aluminium colour and mounted it on the bike:

Ofcourse chrome would have been nicer, but on the 80's look, the alu colour isn't too bad at all: the swingarm is about the same colour actually and so are the non original tank decals. Now the bike was in good shape and the wether fine, I decided to take it for a long run up to my Parents place in the South of the country. Fortunately I charged my battery right before departure, as it turned out that the battery wasn't charged at all during this run. Result: every time I used the brake light + indicator light, the Ignition didn't get enough power anymore and the engine stalled. As the battery was almost empty, starting was no option. After push starting it three times during the last 10km, I finally made it to my parents place, with no power in the battery left at all.
After some consulting here, I found the cause:

a hidden, forgotten, abandonned connector underneath the engine. Replaced it and the bike was charging perfectly again. In an adition I also cleaned the carbon out of the starter motor and cleaned the brushes. Also I replaced the oil + filter as there was no information available from the previous owner when this was done the last time.
Then it was time to create a bit more funky sound, and to replace the slashcut mufflers with more classic chrome models: