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No.: 25 Name: Pierre Alain | Signed at: Dec 11th, 2011 at 23:24 |
Bonjour de France. Poitou. Thank you for your website, the first contact technique that helped me to repared and change my TR1. I am pleased you presented here |
No.: 24 Name: mike | Signed at: Nov 4th, 2011 at 21:30 |
hi i think this site is brilliant i have visited a number of times i have 3 tr1 1 xv920 3 xv750 just in case you wondered where they all have gone keep up the good work would like to meet up in the uk i live in the southwest | |
No.: 23 Name: Johan Kruger | Signed at: Nov 2nd, 2011 at 10:43 |
One of the best bikes ever, mine have only 64 000 Km on the clock. I have seen only 4 TR1 in South Africa |
No.: 22 Name: chris bastow | Signed at: Oct 16th, 2011 at 19:42 |
Hi, just bought a 1984 TR1. chassis no GJ0570001. Its just past its MOT, and should be on the road next week. I Found your site very inspiring and already thinking about some modifications. Thank you Chris |
No.: 21 Name: Andy Hinkinson | Signed at: Sep 26th, 2011 at 20:35 |
XV1000 5K8 Japanese import , found in a farm building. Hasn´t run since 1999. |
No.: 20 Name: Michael Scott |
Signed at: Sep 11th, 2011 at 19:39 |
Hi from Ottawa Ontario Canada. About 29 years ago I traded my new 1981 Yamaha XV750 Virago for the 1981 XV920RH "Euro" style bike that the local dealer´s son in London Ontario owned. I believe each dealer in Canada (and US?) got one each. Not big sellers but I loved mine, even joined the XV920R club (few members here and there in Canada). After a while though I traded it though for a Suzuki GS1000. Now on Sept 9 2011, I brought home another XV920RH needing some tender care but looking forward to hitting the road again next summer. Thanks so much for your great and useful site! | |
No.: 19 Name: Miles Varley | Signed at: Sep 3rd, 2011 at 23:15 |
Hallo Manfred, erstmal meinen ganz großen Respekt für diese super Homepage!!!! Suche schon seit ein paar Tagen immerwieder mal nach Allgemeinen Daten und der Ölsorte des Kardans und bin nirgens fündig geworden bis jetzt! Bin mit Daten, Beschreibungen und Bildern auf deiner Hompage überhäuft worden so das jede Frage super beantwortet wurde und automatisch Seite für Seite weiter gelesen wurde. Nochmals super Page . Gruß aus Hannover Miles Varley |
No.: 18 Name: Holger | Signed at: Sep 1st, 2011 at 19:04 |
Hallo Manfred, ich kenne Deine Seite schon lange und stöbere hin und wieder bei Dir rum. Habe als junger Mann im Alter von 20 jahren meine 1. Tr1 erworben, das war 1986. Mit den Jahren habe ich dann gewechselt und drei Generationen der FJ1100-1200 gefahren. Als ich dan Vater wurde habe ich das Motoradfahren erst mal an den Nagel gehängt. Da mich die Erinnerungen an die TR nie wirklich losgelassen hatten habe ich mir dann vor drei Jahren ein serhr gut erhaltenes Exemplar in Göttingen organisiert, nur 13.000Km. Das Gefuel ist das gleiche wie damals. Moechte Deiner Komune gerne beitreten und an euren umfangreichen Erfahrungen teilhaben. Hoffe das ist kein Problem fur Dich und wuerde mich ueber eine kurze Antwort freuen. Viele Gruesse PS. Englisch kann ich auch, schreibe halt mal lieber auf deutsch |
No.: 17 Name: Sigi Grieshaber | Signed at: Jul 11th, 2011 at 22:26 |
Hallo Manfred.Würde gerne mich auch in die Driverlist eintragen.Es sind bis jetzt nur 3 oder 4 Tr 1 in Südafrika. Viele Grüsse aus Südafrika Sigi Grieshaber | |
Comment: Hallo Sigi! Bin gerade dabei die Riderslist wieder für eigene Eintragungen upzudaten. Bald sollte es wieder gehen... Servus Manfred | |
No.: 16 Name: Peter Grüner | Signed at: Jul 10th, 2011 at 20:27 |
Hallo, das Wasp TR1 Gespann hab ich aus einem alten MotoCross Rahmen und zwei TR1 Unfall-Motorrädern zusammen gebaut und durch den TÜV gebracht. |
No.: 15 Name: Sigi Grieshaber | Signed at: Jun 10th, 2011 at 21:24 |
Hallo zusammen.Meine Familie und ich sind im November 2010 nach Kapstadt ausgewandert und haben hier ein grosses Gästehaus gekauft.Wir sind hier sehr glücklich und haben vorallem etwas!! mehr Sonne.Das einzige Gefährt das ich mitnehmen konnte,war meine TR1. Es gibt hier wahnsinnig viele schöne Strassen .Viele Grüsse aus dem schönsten Land der Welt. Sigi grieshaber |
No.: 14 Name: Derek Cox |
Signed at: May 24th, 2011 at 22:08 |
Good evening Manfred. an excellent website. You are obviously a TR1 fanatic and your enthusiasm and hard work benifits us lesser mortals in so many ways. I have recent completed a 1988 Honda Transalp 600v rebuild and wanted another V twin so have aquired a 1985 TR1 with 38000miles on the clock. It runs well but has a few issues, which I will be tackling in the coming months, with the help of your website a hopefully the feedback from your websites many knowledgable members. I have had many different bikes over the years and although I am now getting on in years, refuse to go down the four wheel route and it is the enthusiasm and comradeship of people like yourself who will keep me on two wheels for many years to come, hopefully. Again thank you. I am hoping to join your site as a member but am not very computer wise so I will have to see. Best wishes and good health. Derek |
No.: 13 Name: Michael |
Signed at: May 6th, 2011 at 20:30 |
Hi Manfred Great homepage! I bought my first TR1 in 1987 and now 23 years, a marriage and three kids later, I am about to buy my second TR1 and was looking for info when I found this great site. All the best from Denmark. Mike |
No.: 12 Name: Franz Schlager | Signed at: Mar 18th, 2011 at 16:28 |
Hello from Austria. I found your hompage in the web and was happy to get a lot of interesting informations during the TR1. I buyed my TR1 1989 with 8000 km, because my girlfriend says, this is a good, heavy and very nice bike. In the last 22 years i drived every year some km, but in all the years my bike reached max. 43ooo km. I´m happy to be owner of a TR1, because she´s a beautifull old bike. Each of my friends say, that this bike is´n t 30 years old. Sorry that my english is not so good, but this homepage is very good and i will send you good wishes from austria - leobersdorf. best remarks franz schlager |
No.: 11 Name: Andreas | Signed at: Feb 9th, 2011 at 21:53 |
A very good site - clearly a labour of love. And very informative about the marque. Have learned more here than from the rest of the net!!! Keep up the good work. BTW - Motorradfahrer are not drivers, but Riders!! We are astride the beast, not caged by it. |
Comment: Riders? Well, you are right. I´ll change my menu soon... ;-) Manfred | |
No.: 10 Name: John D Reinhard | Signed at: Dec 28th, 2010 at 00:08 |
GREAT SITE... I had signed your guest book on the "old" site...I hope everything will be transfered soon...I´d like to add pictures of my bikes when the "new" site is completed... Keep up the good work...These are "rare" motorcycles in the USA...They were only sold here in 1981 & 1982...And 1/2 of the ones imported for the ´82 model year were unsold and exported back out of the country...As best as I have been able to determine there were only about "980 warranty registrations" in the USA for the XV920RJ model... |
No.: 9 Name: Tom |
Signed at: Nov 3rd, 2010 at 01:20 |
My previous bike (about my 6th or 7th) was a 1982 Yamaha VX920RJ. I loved this machine and was drawn to the styling. But it seems that at that time Japan had decided that any V twin introduced to the US market should try to look like a Harley Sportster, so this model was not very popular and began to be known as the "Euro" model. I rode it until my 60th birthday in 2006 and decided that if ever I was to get a new motorcycle, now was the time. I gave the Yamaha to my son and bought a Suzuik V-Strom DL1000 with which I am certainly pleased. I began searching for a part for the old XV and discovered that I might have better results on a European forum. Until recently, I didn´t realize that the TR1 is nearly identical to my trusty Yamaha. I´m glad to know there´s such a following for this great machine. | |
No.: 8 Name: Hajue | Signed at: Sep 1st, 2010 at 21:29 |
Dear TR1 Friends all over the World, it is a good feeling if i read this page! Soooo good! I´m living in Germany, in the near of Hamburg. My Bike is a .............. TR1, Year of the first Date:1982. My first Bike was a XS 400, my second Bike was a TR1 (Year 1981),my third Bike was a Transalp (Honda). I was driving this Year a lot of kilometre in the North of Germany, it was great with this´s a good feeling and very sure - smile. So Friends, all Times a good Trip! Hajue |
No.: 7 Name: MILLE Bernard | Signed at: Aug 22nd, 2010 at 16:53 |
Vraiment bravo. Très beau et très chaleureux site. On sent la passion et l´amitié, and i love that. Je vais cette semaine en Belgique chercher la tr1 que je viens d´acheter. Il y a une semaine je ne connaissais pas cette moto; J´en suis tombé amoureux. Ce sera ma "petite" Mille Vincent". Encore bravo et à bientôt. |
No.: 6 Name: bougai | Signed at: Aug 3rd, 2010 at 17:10 |
bonjour merci a toutes et a tous pour le merveilleux acceuil lors du rassemblement a rieden 2010 ,j´ai pleins de souvenir et de contacts que du bonheur et pleins de photos .IVAN | |
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