Report from the rally 2001 | 🛑 | 


Rally 2001 information



Here is a nice overview-picture of the place this year:

Many thanks to Michael Maschke for this great picture!

Piet Kottas sent me this pictures:

4 images

Davide Artioli also sent me pictures:

16 images

On Saturday we visited the Amerang Historical-Car Museum. There we could see many great old-timers and the biggest size II model railway from whole Europe. Afterwards we had a great lunch at a Greek restaurant near by. At the way home, some of us got wet - but only slightly :-)

Afterwards, we did Bull-Riding. That was big fun. During animating you guys to give it a try, I was confronted with the German spine-(Wirbelsäulen-) statistic. At least 50% of you told me they have problems ... And to tell you the truth: From time to time my knee is still hurting from that dammed machine. When I jumped off the iron-horse, I bumped heavily against it.

And then we had ...

During the dinner, Markus Dietrichsbruckner and his two friends played wonderful old-timer rock music. Many thanks to them for the great performance. For sure, they'll be here again for the next rally!