Usage statistics for (2004)

Summary Period: January 2004
Generated 30-Jun-2011 23:16

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2004
Total Hits 420328
Total Files 318248
Total Pages 119027
Total Visits 13401
Total KBytes 3350296
Total Unique Sites 12691
Total Unique URLs 6438
Total Unique Referrers 2355
Total Unique User Agents 1704
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 564 6691
Hits per Day 13558 23403
Files per Day 10266 20572
Pages per Day 3839 9267
Sites per Day 409 794
Visits per Day 432 521
KBytes per Day 108074 292215
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 75.71% 318248
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.71% 2985
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 15
Code 304 - Not Modified 23.02% 96773
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 7
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.05% 204
Code 404 - Not Found 0.47% 1971
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 19
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.01% 22
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.02% 73
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 11

Daily usage for January 2004

Daily Statistics for January 2004
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 16795 4.00% 13710 4.31% 9267 7.79% 379 2.83% 461 3.63% 91400 2.73%
2 23403 5.57% 20572 6.46% 8944 7.51% 429 3.20% 599 4.72% 292215 8.72%
3 12255 2.92% 8555 2.69% 3152 2.65% 397 2.96% 459 3.62% 86129 2.57%
4 11453 2.72% 9182 2.89% 4016 3.37% 483 3.60% 563 4.44% 69611 2.08%
5 12805 3.05% 9691 3.05% 3867 3.25% 476 3.55% 633 4.99% 112823 3.37%
6 13670 3.25% 11034 3.47% 3221 2.71% 515 3.84% 641 5.05% 131894 3.94%
7 11339 2.70% 9736 3.06% 3155 2.65% 465 3.47% 568 4.48% 85767 2.56%
8 15068 3.58% 11485 3.61% 3957 3.32% 521 3.89% 625 4.92% 105558 3.15%
9 13691 3.26% 11087 3.48% 3537 2.97% 494 3.69% 650 5.12% 123813 3.70%
10 11809 2.81% 8906 2.80% 2832 2.38% 433 3.23% 544 4.29% 91219 2.72%
11 12791 3.04% 9218 2.90% 3055 2.57% 466 3.48% 650 5.12% 89991 2.69%
12 15369 3.66% 10976 3.45% 3457 2.90% 503 3.75% 655 5.16% 102669 3.06%
13 20431 4.86% 17217 5.41% 7040 5.91% 437 3.26% 615 4.85% 239006 7.13%
14 11063 2.63% 7996 2.51% 2920 2.45% 395 2.95% 510 4.02% 92963 2.77%
15 13577 3.23% 10732 3.37% 3222 2.71% 390 2.91% 577 4.55% 114795 3.43%
16 12751 3.03% 9828 3.09% 2944 2.47% 382 2.85% 633 4.99% 91486 2.73%
17 16332 3.89% 13818 4.34% 5288 4.44% 353 2.63% 543 4.28% 197683 5.90%
18 12529 2.98% 9864 3.10% 3091 2.60% 409 3.05% 677 5.33% 108167 3.23%
19 12826 3.05% 9709 3.05% 3156 2.65% 462 3.45% 794 6.26% 95236 2.84%
20 9959 2.37% 7686 2.42% 2910 2.44% 436 3.25% 560 4.41% 61765 1.84%
21 12451 2.96% 8710 2.74% 2983 2.51% 468 3.49% 523 4.12% 106547 3.18%
22 13866 3.30% 9810 3.08% 3177 2.67% 469 3.50% 575 4.53% 95003 2.84%
23 10482 2.49% 7428 2.33% 2466 2.07% 407 3.04% 577 4.55% 84615 2.53%
24 12007 2.86% 7539 2.37% 3814 3.20% 334 2.49% 574 4.52% 73864 2.20%
25 16957 4.03% 10049 3.16% 3241 2.72% 389 2.90% 616 4.85% 110103 3.29%
26 10732 2.55% 7762 2.44% 2769 2.33% 406 3.03% 565 4.45% 74711 2.23%
27 10431 2.48% 7103 2.23% 2743 2.30% 435 3.25% 492 3.88% 58538 1.75%
28 13057 3.11% 9321 2.93% 3463 2.91% 460 3.43% 701 5.52% 91650 2.74%
29 12714 3.02% 8997 2.83% 3359 2.82% 470 3.51% 644 5.07% 77896 2.33%
30 12322 2.93% 9104 2.86% 2952 2.48% 420 3.13% 672 5.30% 91378 2.73%
31 15393 3.66% 11423 3.59% 5029 4.23% 383 2.86% 680 5.36% 101803 3.04%

Hourly usage for January 2004

Hourly Statistics for January 2004
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 362 11248 2.68% 255 7910 2.49% 116 3616 3.04% 2822 87493 2.61%
1 335 10396 2.47% 231 7173 2.25% 97 3007 2.53% 2077 64385 1.92%
2 250 7751 1.84% 187 5821 1.83% 89 2775 2.33% 1681 52119 1.56%
3 260 8068 1.92% 205 6376 2.00% 98 3046 2.56% 1797 55704 1.66%
4 242 7510 1.79% 204 6329 1.99% 98 3060 2.57% 1685 52235 1.56%
5 175 5437 1.29% 156 4854 1.53% 90 2797 2.35% 1189 36864 1.10%
6 221 6854 1.63% 175 5448 1.71% 93 2906 2.44% 1706 52901 1.58%
7 298 9265 2.20% 220 6843 2.15% 105 3262 2.74% 1837 56939 1.70%
8 349 10823 2.57% 273 8471 2.66% 111 3460 2.91% 2099 65080 1.94%
9 482 14945 3.56% 340 10544 3.31% 124 3869 3.25% 3491 108226 3.23%
10 519 16116 3.83% 390 12103 3.80% 135 4194 3.52% 4307 133527 3.99%
11 652 20242 4.82% 476 14756 4.64% 142 4422 3.72% 4977 154286 4.61%
12 688 21334 5.08% 526 16308 5.12% 154 4800 4.03% 5317 164827 4.92%
13 634 19655 4.68% 510 15838 4.98% 144 4474 3.76% 5290 163975 4.89%
14 1023 31739 7.55% 854 26504 8.33% 430 13347 11.21% 8967 277989 8.30%
15 1078 33439 7.96% 897 27819 8.74% 452 14029 11.79% 10231 317171 9.47%
16 846 26244 6.24% 695 21575 6.78% 231 7177 6.03% 8435 261470 7.80%
17 740 22968 5.46% 515 15973 5.02% 165 5117 4.30% 6011 186335 5.56%
18 744 23067 5.49% 539 16711 5.25% 163 5053 4.25% 5955 184616 5.51%
19 784 24306 5.78% 582 18070 5.68% 163 5061 4.25% 6466 200434 5.98%
20 693 21485 5.11% 500 15500 4.87% 159 4935 4.15% 4796 148685 4.44%
21 821 25473 6.06% 582 18053 5.67% 163 5059 4.25% 5792 179541 5.36%
22 723 22438 5.34% 493 15305 4.81% 152 4727 3.97% 5996 185887 5.55%
23 629 19525 4.65% 450 13964 4.39% 155 4834 4.06% 5149 159605 4.76%

Top 30 of 6438 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 45694 10.87% 145222 4.33% /
2 2641 0.63% 8119 0.24% /navigation.htm
3 2355 0.56% 3802 0.11% /welcome.htm
4 2332 0.55% 10663 0.32% /hello.htm
5 1847 0.44% 7121 0.21% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
6 1766 0.42% 1784 0.05% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
7 1744 0.41% 9855 0.29% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
8 1054 0.25% 3657 0.11% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
9 825 0.20% 3772 0.11% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
10 822 0.20% 1023 0.03% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_top.htm
11 817 0.19% 716 0.02% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_frame.htm
12 653 0.16% 12204 0.36% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
13 623 0.15% 43630 1.30% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
14 617 0.15% 720 0.02% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_top.htm
15 615 0.15% 504 0.02% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_frame.htm
16 557 0.13% 19576 0.58% /sounds/moneyfor.mid
17 553 0.13% 3377 0.10% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
18 546 0.13% 11951 0.36% /sounds/thefinal.mid
19 544 0.13% 9726 0.29% /sounds/brothers.mid
20 542 0.13% 5744 0.17% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
21 500 0.12% 12288 0.37% /sounds/cloud9.mid
22 498 0.12% 9665 0.29% /sounds/foreveryoung.mid
23 496 0.12% 12834 0.38% /sounds/satisfac.mid
24 485 0.12% 20953 0.63% /sounds/brownsgr.mid
25 477 0.11% 13749 0.41% /sounds/born.mid
26 415 0.10% 1888 0.06% /news.htm
27 408 0.10% 420 0.01% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2003_frame.htm
28 404 0.10% 635 0.02% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2003_top.htm
29 343 0.08% 23809 0.71% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2003.html
30 329 0.08% 2874 0.09% /about.htm

Top 10 of 6438 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 45694 10.87% 145222 4.33% /
2 53 0.01% 52967 1.58% /rallys/2000/whats_going_on.mp3
3 623 0.15% 43630 1.30% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
4 343 0.08% 23809 0.71% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2003.html
5 304 0.07% 22041 0.66% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
6 485 0.12% 20953 0.63% /sounds/brownsgr.mid
7 37 0.01% 20080 0.60% /fun/motorsound.avi
8 189 0.04% 20031 0.60% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2000.html
9 557 0.13% 19576 0.58% /sounds/moneyfor.mid
10 159 0.04% 14183 0.42% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2001.html

Top 10 of 2640 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 45694 10.87% 2381 15.96% /
2 277 0.07% 259 1.74% /tr1/stories/creature/creature.html
3 553 0.13% 255 1.71% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
4 304 0.07% 236 1.58% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
5 2641 0.63% 148 0.99% /navigation.htm
6 2332 0.55% 131 0.88% /hello.htm
7 542 0.13% 114 0.76% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
8 817 0.19% 112 0.75% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_frame.htm
9 1766 0.42% 104 0.70% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
10 653 0.16% 100 0.67% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm

Top 10 of 2754 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2332 0.55% 491 3.31% /hello.htm
2 45694 10.87% 360 2.43% /
3 553 0.13% 288 1.94% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
4 653 0.16% 279 1.88% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
5 277 0.07% 268 1.81% /tr1/stories/creature/creature.html
6 304 0.07% 250 1.68% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
7 1744 0.41% 230 1.55% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
8 2641 0.63% 210 1.41% /navigation.htm
9 542 0.13% 166 1.12% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
10 825 0.20% 165 1.11% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html

Top 30 of 12691 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 49731 11.83% 31444 9.88% 355063 10.60% 374 2.79% *
2 42950 10.22% 42950 13.50% 139252 4.16% 4 0.03%
3 24620 5.86% 14603 4.59% 169946 5.07% 314 2.34% *
4 11112 2.64% 11006 3.46% 169335 5.05% 2 0.01%
5 7414 1.76% 7316 2.30% 131474 3.92% 1 0.01%
6 4743 1.13% 3488 1.10% 30080 0.90% 125 0.93% *
7 4565 1.09% 2564 0.81% 42125 1.26% 75 0.56% *
8 3818 0.91% 2795 0.88% 17723 0.53% 8 0.06%
9 3081 0.73% 648 0.20% 7256 0.22% 13 0.10%
10 2864 0.68% 2181 0.69% 71522 2.13% 9 0.07%
11 2554 0.61% 889 0.28% 7721 0.23% 4 0.03%
12 2474 0.59% 1409 0.44% 11438 0.34% 38 0.28% *
13 2441 0.58% 1937 0.61% 25454 0.76% 143 1.07% *
14 2401 0.57% 2353 0.74% 10156 0.30% 464 3.46%
15 2181 0.52% 1772 0.56% 11868 0.35% 354 2.64% *
16 2156 0.51% 2154 0.68% 838 0.03% 1 0.01%
17 1991 0.47% 1986 0.62% 5644 0.17% 5 0.04%
18 1795 0.43% 62 0.02% 788 0.02% 1 0.01%
19 1792 0.43% 1095 0.34% 14827 0.44% 18 0.13% *
20 1739 0.41% 599 0.19% 5124 0.15% 1 0.01%
21 1722 0.41% 1721 0.54% 604 0.02% 2 0.01%
22 1697 0.40% 444 0.14% 2286 0.07% 15 0.11%
23 1632 0.39% 1453 0.46% 14390 0.43% 43 0.32% *
24 1623 0.39% 1564 0.49% 15590 0.47% 9 0.07%
25 1615 0.38% 749 0.24% 4958 0.15% 39 0.29%
26 1500 0.36% 568 0.18% 5104 0.15% 14 0.10%
27 1470 0.35% 830 0.26% 24559 0.73% 3 0.02%
28 1434 0.34% 1027 0.32% 7962 0.24% 2 0.01%
29 1433 0.34% 337 0.11% 1292 0.04% 281 2.10%
30 1432 0.34% 1036 0.33% 34429 1.03% 5 0.04%

Top 10 of 12691 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 49731 11.83% 31444 9.88% 355063 10.60% 374 2.79% *
2 24620 5.86% 14603 4.59% 169946 5.07% 314 2.34% *
3 11112 2.64% 11006 3.46% 169335 5.05% 2 0.01%
4 42950 10.22% 42950 13.50% 139252 4.16% 4 0.03%
5 7414 1.76% 7316 2.30% 131474 3.92% 1 0.01%
6 2864 0.68% 2181 0.69% 71522 2.13% 9 0.07%
7 4565 1.09% 2564 0.81% 42125 1.26% 75 0.56% *
8 1090 0.26% 998 0.31% 41456 1.24% 1 0.01%
9 932 0.22% 907 0.28% 35804 1.07% 0 0.00%
10 1432 0.34% 1036 0.33% 34429 1.03% 5 0.04%

Top 30 of 2355 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 2217 0.53%
2 1991 0.47%
3 1627 0.39%
4 1294 0.31%
5 965 0.23%
6 769 0.18%
7 680 0.16%
8 606 0.14%
9 427 0.10%
10 269 0.06%
11 203 0.05%
12 147 0.03%
13 144 0.03%
14 122 0.03% http://
15 122 0.03%
16 117 0.03%
17 113 0.03%
18 109 0.03%
19 106 0.03%
20 105 0.02%
21 104 0.02%
22 92 0.02%
23 88 0.02%
24 88 0.02%
25 84 0.02%
26 83 0.02%
27 82 0.02%
28 78 0.02%
29 74 0.02%
30 72 0.02%

Top 20 of 2205 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 112 2.68% tr1
2 88 2.10% yamaha tr1
3 61 1.46% mikuni carburator
4 56 1.34% vergasermembran für yamaha xv 750 se
5 42 1.00% yamaha r1
6 35 0.84% slick 50
7 32 0.76% yamaha xv 750 se
8 27 0.65% starterknopf
9 25 0.60% xv920
10 23 0.55% motorgeräusche
11 21 0.50% dellorto vergaser
12 21 0.50% elefantentreffen
13 19 0.45% mikuni vergaser
14 18 0.43% fj1200
15 17 0.41% ral nummern
16 17 0.41% virago 920
17 16 0.38% simmerring
18 16 0.38% yamaha tr 1
19 16 0.38% öldruckschalter
20 15 0.36% gabelbrücke

Top 15 of 1704 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 223065 53.07% MS Internet Explorer 6
2 91011 21.65% MS Internet Explorer
3 42950 10.22% check_http/ (netsaint-plugins 1.2.9-4)"
4 12388 2.95% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
5 6500 1.55% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
6 5685 1.35% Teleport Pro/1.29"
7 4750 1.13% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 3
8 4597 1.09% MS Internet Explorer 8
9 3711 0.88% Xaldon WebSpider 2.7.b6"
10 2660 0.63% MS Internet Explorer 7
11 2318 0.55% Opera
12 2215 0.53% contype"
13 2099 0.50% MS Internet Explorer 9
14 1991 0.47% HeinrichderMiragoRobot ("
15 1969 0.47% WebStripper/2.59"

Usage by Country for January 2004

Top 30 of 116 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 126242 30.03% 101034 31.75% 701519 20.94% Germany Germany
2 92433 21.99% 63035 19.81% 691343 20.64% Network (net)
3 44986 10.70% 37581 11.81% 420570 12.55% Commercial (com)
4 22084 5.25% 18526 5.82% 159318 4.76% United States United States
5 21825 5.19% 17061 5.36% 189388 5.65% Netherlands Netherlands
6 18627 4.43% 12226 3.84% 198961 5.94% Denmark Denmark
7 11761 2.80% 7589 2.38% 79589 2.38% Sweden Sweden
8 10602 2.52% 7018 2.21% 116073 3.46% France France
9 9664 2.30% 9255 2.91% 151641 4.53% Poland Poland
10 8701 2.07% 6824 2.14% 67596 2.02% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
11 8619 2.05% 6981 2.19% 69018 2.06% Australia Australia
12 7896 1.88% 5819 1.83% 62663 1.87% Austria Austria
13 4174 0.99% 3205 1.01% 35549 1.06% Canada Canada
14 4156 0.99% 3384 1.06% 54750 1.63% Belgium Belgium
15 3825 0.91% 2549 0.80% 34540 1.03% Italy Italy
16 3608 0.86% 2179 0.68% 23160 0.69% Finland Finland
17 3196 0.76% 2347 0.74% 64341 1.92% Czech Republic Czech Republic
18 2533 0.60% 1164 0.37% 18646 0.56% Japan Japan
19 2020 0.48% 1789 0.56% 23895 0.71% Switzerland Switzerland
20 1941 0.46% 1562 0.49% 12387 0.37% United Kingdom United Kingdom
21 1694 0.40% 1381 0.43% 13009 0.39% Norway Norway
22 1259 0.30% 1094 0.34% 42379 1.26% Croatia Croatia
23 857 0.20% 694 0.22% 6134 0.18% New Zealand New Zealand
24 732 0.17% 552 0.17% 11807 0.35% China China
25 544 0.13% 385 0.12% 3109 0.09% Educational (edu)
26 501 0.12% 494 0.16% 18599 0.56% Thailand Thailand
27 440 0.10% 400 0.13% 3207 0.10% European Union European Union
28 404 0.10% 366 0.12% 4498 0.13% Mexico Mexico
29 376 0.09% 374 0.12% 2444 0.07% US Government (gov)
30 367 0.09% 298 0.09% 6988 0.21% Hungary Hungary

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23