Usage statistics for (2004)

Summary Period: May 2004
Generated 30-Jun-2011 23:25

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2004
Total Hits 543024
Total Files 389110
Total Pages 115676
Total Visits 11550
Total KBytes 4517463
Total Unique Sites 15908
Total Unique URLs 6864
Total Unique Referrers 2577
Total Unique User Agents 1838
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 729 4144
Hits per Day 17516 23990
Files per Day 12551 17915
Pages per Day 3731 7943
Sites per Day 513 922
Visits per Day 372 479
KBytes per Day 145725 230937
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 71.66% 389110
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.88% 4762
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 18
Code 304 - Not Modified 27.05% 146875
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 4
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.07% 371
Code 404 - Not Found 0.34% 1848
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 2
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.01% 29
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 0.00% 2
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 3

Daily usage for May 2004

Daily Statistics for May 2004
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 13466 2.48% 9622 2.47% 3071 2.65% 383 3.32% 577 3.63% 98417 2.18%
2 18971 3.49% 14023 3.60% 3537 3.06% 387 3.35% 696 4.38% 197023 4.36%
3 18969 3.49% 14473 3.72% 4919 4.25% 461 3.99% 787 4.95% 136404 3.02%
4 21868 4.03% 17770 4.57% 4149 3.59% 466 4.03% 768 4.83% 205444 4.55%
5 20594 3.79% 13449 3.46% 3596 3.11% 479 4.15% 745 4.68% 174902 3.87%
6 20570 3.79% 14249 3.66% 3584 3.10% 438 3.79% 714 4.49% 202510 4.48%
7 20276 3.73% 13817 3.55% 3398 2.94% 374 3.24% 683 4.29% 166881 3.69%
8 14777 2.72% 10359 2.66% 2940 2.54% 289 2.50% 569 3.58% 124911 2.77%
9 17339 3.19% 12079 3.10% 3211 2.78% 328 2.84% 587 3.69% 134969 2.99%
10 16470 3.03% 11922 3.06% 3330 2.88% 433 3.75% 846 5.32% 126878 2.81%
11 21659 3.99% 15681 4.03% 5530 4.78% 432 3.74% 922 5.80% 195609 4.33%
12 20320 3.74% 14194 3.65% 4404 3.81% 399 3.45% 755 4.75% 165082 3.65%
13 18632 3.43% 12564 3.23% 3826 3.31% 373 3.23% 693 4.36% 155295 3.44%
14 14853 2.74% 10720 2.76% 3276 2.83% 350 3.03% 671 4.22% 119792 2.65%
15 11872 2.19% 8693 2.23% 2870 2.48% 287 2.48% 580 3.65% 88789 1.97%
16 17760 3.27% 12916 3.32% 3347 2.89% 358 3.10% 704 4.43% 128916 2.85%
17 20733 3.82% 14390 3.70% 3607 3.12% 422 3.65% 779 4.90% 230937 5.11%
18 14434 2.66% 10322 2.65% 3377 2.92% 406 3.52% 746 4.69% 116267 2.57%
19 16892 3.11% 12526 3.22% 3301 2.85% 341 2.95% 527 3.31% 131157 2.90%
20 18246 3.36% 12917 3.32% 3438 2.97% 348 3.01% 591 3.72% 148294 3.28%
21 20679 3.81% 14221 3.65% 3498 3.02% 416 3.60% 734 4.61% 164092 3.63%
22 20208 3.72% 13856 3.56% 5338 4.61% 323 2.80% 637 4.00% 196073 4.34%
23 14624 2.69% 10174 2.61% 2919 2.52% 340 2.94% 648 4.07% 119095 2.64%
24 18704 3.44% 13274 3.41% 3248 2.81% 387 3.35% 653 4.10% 174356 3.86%
25 16768 3.09% 11173 2.87% 3188 2.76% 399 3.45% 621 3.90% 140866 3.12%
26 11786 2.17% 9146 2.35% 2992 2.59% 372 3.22% 584 3.67% 100904 2.23%
27 18855 3.47% 14207 3.65% 4437 3.84% 397 3.44% 681 4.28% 130616 2.89%
28 20281 3.73% 14548 3.74% 4425 3.83% 358 3.10% 590 3.71% 168257 3.72%
29 10253 1.89% 7907 2.03% 2588 2.24% 217 1.88% 402 2.53% 71112 1.57%
30 8175 1.51% 6003 1.54% 2389 2.07% 261 2.26% 446 2.80% 59783 1.32%
31 23990 4.42% 17915 4.60% 7943 6.87% 375 3.25% 656 4.12% 143833 3.18%

Hourly usage for May 2004

Hourly Statistics for May 2004
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 662 20527 3.78% 445 13804 3.55% 131 4063 3.51% 5702 176751 3.91%
1 466 14466 2.66% 360 11161 2.87% 108 3370 2.91% 3810 118109 2.61%
2 307 9526 1.75% 250 7763 2.00% 86 2667 2.31% 2400 74411 1.65%
3 268 8316 1.53% 219 6816 1.75% 84 2629 2.27% 2143 66432 1.47%
4 213 6621 1.22% 187 5813 1.49% 86 2694 2.33% 1650 51136 1.13%
5 305 9480 1.75% 228 7069 1.82% 99 3070 2.65% 2152 66727 1.48%
6 256 7964 1.47% 221 6855 1.76% 107 3345 2.89% 2051 63591 1.41%
7 390 12107 2.23% 295 9150 2.35% 134 4170 3.60% 2581 80009 1.77%
8 629 19520 3.59% 446 13849 3.56% 168 5224 4.52% 3922 121570 2.69%
9 763 23672 4.36% 496 15405 3.96% 181 5637 4.87% 7089 219747 4.86%
10 823 25526 4.70% 573 17784 4.57% 171 5302 4.58% 7051 218570 4.84%
11 741 22983 4.23% 547 16957 4.36% 157 4881 4.22% 5431 168373 3.73%
12 906 28088 5.17% 628 19477 5.01% 174 5397 4.67% 6472 200635 4.44%
13 862 26743 4.92% 636 19740 5.07% 168 5224 4.52% 7686 238279 5.27%
14 821 25453 4.69% 628 19478 5.01% 160 4981 4.31% 7488 232125 5.14%
15 859 26646 4.91% 646 20044 5.15% 157 4893 4.23% 7740 239952 5.31%
16 867 26881 4.95% 647 20065 5.16% 157 4892 4.23% 7141 221376 4.90%
17 944 29277 5.39% 678 21028 5.40% 160 4986 4.31% 9630 298522 6.61%
18 980 30406 5.60% 717 22251 5.72% 171 5328 4.61% 8222 254872 5.64%
19 885 27461 5.06% 611 18947 4.87% 159 4945 4.27% 8325 258076 5.71%
20 1012 31398 5.78% 659 20445 5.25% 175 5425 4.69% 7917 245419 5.43%
21 1163 36072 6.64% 793 24595 6.32% 187 5807 5.02% 9289 287960 6.37%
22 1346 41733 7.69% 877 27188 6.99% 306 9503 8.22% 10747 333159 7.37%
23 1037 32158 5.92% 755 23426 6.02% 233 7243 6.26% 9086 281659 6.23%

Top 30 of 6864 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 45251 8.33% 149910 3.32% /
2 3553 0.65% 6985 0.15% /welcome.htm
3 3372 0.62% 10159 0.22% /navigation.htm
4 3212 0.59% 12564 0.28% /hello.htm
5 2810 0.52% 10164 0.22% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
6 2574 0.47% 2390 0.05% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
7 2509 0.46% 14348 0.32% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
8 1572 0.29% 42424 0.94% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
9 1139 0.21% 1638 0.04% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_top.htm
10 1121 0.21% 956 0.02% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_frame.htm
11 1050 0.19% 11678 0.26% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
12 932 0.17% 17335 0.38% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
13 882 0.16% 7858 0.17% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
14 678 0.12% 889 0.02% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_top.htm
15 665 0.12% 493 0.01% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_frame.htm
16 660 0.12% 9718 0.22% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
17 569 0.10% 3660 0.08% /news.htm
18 527 0.10% 41406 0.92% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
19 436 0.08% 33257 0.74% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
20 399 0.07% 3490 0.08% /about.htm
21 375 0.07% 8470 0.19% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
22 359 0.07% 4851 0.11% /tr1/tr1_gallery_2.htm
23 356 0.07% 5472 0.12% /tr1/tr1_misc.htm
24 343 0.06% 625 0.01% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2003_top.htm
25 342 0.06% 406 0.01% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2003_frame.htm
26 335 0.06% 11049 0.24% /sounds/jimi_hendrix__hey_joe.mid
27 319 0.06% 8013 0.18% /sounds/black_sabbath__paranoid.mid
28 304 0.06% 10914 0.24% /sounds/dire_straits__money_for_nothing.mid
29 300 0.06% 1702 0.04% /tr1/tr1_sites.htm
30 297 0.05% 12683 0.28% /sounds/rolling_stones__brown_sugar.mid

Top 10 of 6864 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 45251 8.33% 149910 3.32% /
2 68 0.01% 67980 1.50% /rallys/2000/whats_going_on.mp3
3 1572 0.29% 42424 0.94% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
4 527 0.10% 41406 0.92% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
5 436 0.08% 33257 0.74% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
6 70 0.01% 19044 0.42% /fun/minigolf.swf
7 128 0.02% 18493 0.41% /tr1/misc/papercraft/sr400_instructions.pdf
8 932 0.17% 17335 0.38% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
9 250 0.05% 17316 0.38% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2003.html
10 144 0.03% 15262 0.34% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2000.html

Top 10 of 1575 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 45251 8.33% 4172 32.64% /
2 527 0.10% 328 2.57% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
3 660 0.12% 312 2.44% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
4 3372 0.62% 144 1.13% /navigation.htm
5 125 0.02% 119 0.93% /rallys/rally_2001.htm
6 271 0.05% 109 0.85% /tr1/offerings/parts_sepp.htm
7 3553 0.65% 108 0.84% /welcome.htm
8 2574 0.47% 101 0.79% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
9 1121 0.21% 100 0.78% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_frame.htm
10 882 0.16% 100 0.78% /tr1/tr1_info.htm

Top 10 of 1775 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 45251 8.33% 1306 10.27% /
2 3212 0.59% 606 4.77% /hello.htm
3 527 0.10% 440 3.46% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 1050 0.19% 260 2.05% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
5 932 0.17% 253 1.99% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
6 2509 0.46% 252 1.98% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
7 3372 0.62% 237 1.86% /navigation.htm
8 882 0.16% 230 1.81% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
9 1572 0.29% 196 1.54% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
10 660 0.12% 180 1.42% /guestbook/guestbook.htm

Top 30 of 15908 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 64522 11.88% 42906 11.03% 495181 10.96% 371 3.21% *
2 46924 8.64% 23503 6.04% 289655 6.41% 312 2.70% *
3 40516 7.46% 40516 10.41% 138320 3.06% 5 0.04%
4 9033 1.66% 4973 1.28% 115969 2.57% 54 0.47% *
5 9030 1.66% 5737 1.47% 60045 1.33% 164 1.42% *
6 5487 1.01% 3521 0.90% 65715 1.45% 15 0.13%
7 4661 0.86% 4070 1.05% 63987 1.42% 22 0.19%
8 4100 0.76% 3095 0.80% 43701 0.97% 144 1.25% *
9 3570 0.66% 3570 0.92% 12280 0.27% 1 0.01%
10 3107 0.57% 1787 0.46% 15359 0.34% 37 0.32%
11 2886 0.53% 2462 0.63% 80979 1.79% 2 0.02%
12 2630 0.48% 1405 0.36% 28219 0.62% 17 0.15%
13 2624 0.48% 1309 0.34% 19699 0.44% 7 0.06%
14 2602 0.48% 2212 0.57% 31486 0.70% 50 0.43% *
15 2429 0.45% 2017 0.52% 24384 0.54% 54 0.47% *
16 2410 0.44% 2386 0.61% 10254 0.23% 6 0.05%
17 2377 0.44% 1107 0.28% 23274 0.52% 20 0.17%
18 2359 0.43% 1622 0.42% 50718 1.12% 10 0.09%
19 2312 0.43% 1114 0.29% 17776 0.39% 5 0.04%
20 2287 0.42% 1709 0.44% 45911 1.02% 7 0.06%
21 2274 0.42% 1450 0.37% 28607 0.63% 12 0.10%
22 2258 0.42% 2193 0.56% 12432 0.28% 33 0.29% *
23 2187 0.40% 1966 0.51% 33578 0.74% 10 0.09%
24 2168 0.40% 1921 0.49% 20278 0.45% 13 0.11%
25 1989 0.37% 1967 0.51% 7539 0.17% 7 0.06%
26 1880 0.35% 1800 0.46% 55893 1.24% 3 0.03%
27 1835 0.34% 1101 0.28% 11604 0.26% 29 0.25% *
28 1754 0.32% 934 0.24% 10365 0.23% 5 0.04%
29 1732 0.32% 748 0.19% 11276 0.25% 1 0.01%
30 1731 0.32% 1643 0.42% 15279 0.34% 9 0.08%

Top 10 of 15908 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 64522 11.88% 42906 11.03% 495181 10.96% 371 3.21% *
2 46924 8.64% 23503 6.04% 289655 6.41% 312 2.70% *
3 40516 7.46% 40516 10.41% 138320 3.06% 5 0.04%
4 9033 1.66% 4973 1.28% 115969 2.57% 54 0.47% *
5 2886 0.53% 2462 0.63% 80979 1.79% 2 0.02%
6 1031 0.19% 997 0.26% 68379 1.51% 1 0.01%
7 5487 1.01% 3521 0.90% 65715 1.45% 15 0.13%
8 4661 0.86% 4070 1.05% 63987 1.42% 22 0.19%
9 9030 1.66% 5737 1.47% 60045 1.33% 164 1.42% *
10 1880 0.35% 1800 0.46% 55893 1.24% 3 0.03%

Top 30 of 2577 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3369 0.62%
2 2108 0.39%
3 1462 0.27%
4 1404 0.26%
5 1127 0.21%
6 708 0.13%
7 586 0.11%
8 393 0.07%
9 387 0.07%
10 369 0.07%
11 209 0.04%
12 202 0.04%
13 173 0.03%
14 157 0.03%
15 136 0.03%
16 135 0.02%
17 124 0.02%
18 113 0.02%
19 107 0.02%
20 101 0.02%
21 96 0.02%
22 89 0.02%
23 85 0.02%
24 84 0.02%
25 82 0.02%
26 82 0.02%
27 79 0.01%
28 78 0.01%
29 75 0.01%
30 66 0.01%

Top 20 of 2171 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 132 3.11% yamaha tr1
2 88 2.07% spanferkel
3 83 1.96% tr1
4 71 1.67% cafe racer
5 43 1.01% mikuni carburator
6 28 0.66% xv1000
7 27 0.64% yamaha tr 1
8 26 0.61% yamaha xv920
9 25 0.59% xv920
10 24 0.57% getriebeschaden
11 23 0.54% bsm auspuff
12 23 0.54% white power
13 22 0.52% mikuni vergaser
14 22 0.52% tr1 yamaha
15 22 0.52% yamaha xv 750 se
16 20 0.47% simmerringe
17 20 0.47% slick 50
18 19 0.45% krauser k2
19 16 0.38% carburetor synchronization tool
20 16 0.38% xv 750 se

Top 15 of 1838 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 363593 66.96% MS Internet Explorer 6
2 71130 13.10% MS Internet Explorer
3 40516 7.46% check_http/ (netsaint-plugins 1.2.9-4)"
4 11708 2.16% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
5 6020 1.11% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
6 5880 1.08% MS Internet Explorer 9
7 4940 0.91% Mozilla Firefox
8 4642 0.85% Safari
9 3600 0.66% Opera
10 3288 0.61% contype"
11 3029 0.56% MS Internet Explorer 8
12 2603 0.48% polybot 1.0 ("
13 2410 0.44% kuloko-bot/0.5"
14 2206 0.41% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 2
15 2177 0.40% MS Internet Explorer 7

Usage by Country for May 2004

Top 30 of 109 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 163376 30.09% 121614 31.25% 1116843 24.72% Germany Germany
2 120850 22.26% 86346 22.19% 1016336 22.50% Network (net)
3 45182 8.32% 30994 7.97% 363167 8.04% Commercial (com)
4 28177 5.19% 19790 5.09% 221294 4.90% Netherlands Netherlands
5 20777 3.83% 13870 3.56% 163684 3.62% Denmark Denmark
6 18562 3.42% 16953 4.36% 166335 3.68% United States United States
7 17602 3.24% 12545 3.22% 162050 3.59% Switzerland Switzerland
8 17328 3.19% 11765 3.02% 166446 3.68% Sweden Sweden
9 12644 2.33% 8920 2.29% 113096 2.50% Austria Austria
10 11984 2.21% 6996 1.80% 139048 3.08% France France
11 11093 2.04% 7923 2.04% 73069 1.62% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
12 8411 1.55% 6024 1.55% 64462 1.43% Canada Canada
13 7293 1.34% 4493 1.15% 59134 1.31% Finland Finland
14 5862 1.08% 3910 1.00% 49520 1.10% Australia Australia
15 5559 1.02% 2589 0.67% 36876 0.82% New Zealand New Zealand
16 5034 0.93% 4029 1.04% 81936 1.81% United Kingdom United Kingdom
17 4924 0.91% 3586 0.92% 98720 2.19% Argentina Argentina
18 4332 0.80% 2840 0.73% 52520 1.16% Belgium Belgium
19 3904 0.72% 3064 0.79% 95398 2.11% Norway Norway
20 3685 0.68% 3680 0.95% 12953 0.29% Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of
21 3575 0.66% 3212 0.83% 14815 0.33% Educational (edu)
22 3257 0.60% 2278 0.59% 31693 0.70% Japan Japan
23 2922 0.54% 2741 0.70% 51402 1.14% Poland Poland
24 2499 0.46% 1733 0.45% 15031 0.33% European Union European Union
25 2393 0.44% 2132 0.55% 27417 0.61% Italy Italy
26 1430 0.26% 1127 0.29% 10726 0.24% Cyprus Cyprus
27 1167 0.21% 961 0.25% 7934 0.18% Kuwait Kuwait
28 766 0.14% 392 0.10% 3322 0.07% Serbia Serbia
29 711 0.13% 494 0.13% 7017 0.16% Address Routing (arpa)
30 639 0.12% 542 0.14% 6931 0.15% Czech Republic Czech Republic

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23