Usage statistics for (2004)

Summary Period: June 2004
Generated 30-Jun-2011 23:27

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2004
Total Hits 413572
Total Files 306510
Total Pages 94778
Total Visits 9061
Total KBytes 3403728
Total Unique Sites 13424
Total Unique URLs 6578
Total Unique Referrers 2485
Total Unique User Agents 1714
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 574 3140
Hits per Day 13785 20122
Files per Day 10217 13710
Pages per Day 3159 5863
Sites per Day 447 867
Visits per Day 302 381
KBytes per Day 113458 168682
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 74.11% 306510
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.72% 2971
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 15
Code 304 - Not Modified 24.92% 103060
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 5
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 42
Code 404 - Not Found 0.23% 937
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 5
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.01% 27

Daily usage for June 2004

Daily Statistics for June 2004
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 17591 4.25% 12830 4.19% 3277 3.46% 381 4.20% 729 5.43% 162081 4.76%
2 17045 4.12% 12821 4.18% 5863 6.19% 342 3.77% 660 4.92% 108308 3.18%
3 12894 3.12% 9700 3.16% 3059 3.23% 345 3.81% 705 5.25% 98212 2.89%
4 12316 2.98% 9414 3.07% 2758 2.91% 287 3.17% 578 4.31% 124912 3.67%
5 8648 2.09% 5858 1.91% 2423 2.56% 223 2.46% 488 3.64% 74874 2.20%
6 12947 3.13% 9500 3.10% 2692 2.84% 269 2.97% 588 4.38% 136401 4.01%
7 18506 4.47% 13710 4.47% 3603 3.80% 346 3.82% 749 5.58% 168682 4.96%
8 12850 3.11% 9695 3.16% 3097 3.27% 334 3.69% 675 5.03% 107301 3.15%
9 15687 3.79% 12681 4.14% 3287 3.47% 327 3.61% 578 4.31% 140496 4.13%
10 20122 4.87% 13057 4.26% 3438 3.63% 321 3.54% 646 4.81% 143343 4.21%
11 12616 3.05% 10308 3.36% 2901 3.06% 326 3.60% 686 5.11% 121197 3.56%
12 12587 3.04% 9193 3.00% 2990 3.15% 264 2.91% 519 3.87% 87707 2.58%
13 13150 3.18% 9669 3.15% 3034 3.20% 283 3.12% 663 4.94% 114731 3.37%
14 12504 3.02% 8944 2.92% 3118 3.29% 326 3.60% 650 4.84% 91951 2.70%
15 16575 4.01% 11417 3.72% 3375 3.56% 311 3.43% 589 4.39% 128802 3.78%
16 14718 3.56% 11623 3.79% 3130 3.30% 319 3.52% 628 4.68% 128404 3.77%
17 15779 3.82% 11815 3.85% 3236 3.41% 340 3.75% 659 4.91% 132672 3.90%
18 18449 4.46% 13010 4.24% 3976 4.20% 335 3.70% 867 6.46% 129296 3.80%
19 8749 2.12% 6675 2.18% 2576 2.72% 264 2.91% 581 4.33% 78269 2.30%
20 12951 3.13% 9271 3.02% 3047 3.21% 284 3.13% 551 4.10% 98517 2.89%
21 15134 3.66% 11008 3.59% 3022 3.19% 291 3.21% 603 4.49% 106739 3.14%
22 11314 2.74% 8455 2.76% 2900 3.06% 322 3.55% 600 4.47% 89102 2.62%
23 13095 3.17% 9866 3.22% 3107 3.28% 320 3.53% 661 4.92% 119410 3.51%
24 11991 2.90% 9526 3.11% 3795 4.00% 277 3.06% 558 4.16% 95020 2.79%
25 14604 3.53% 10994 3.59% 3896 4.11% 302 3.33% 509 3.79% 114158 3.35%
26 8090 1.96% 6252 2.04% 2061 2.17% 187 2.06% 403 3.00% 60826 1.79%
27 11557 2.79% 9048 2.95% 2665 2.81% 277 3.06% 516 3.84% 114866 3.37%
28 13891 3.36% 9805 3.20% 2903 3.06% 308 3.40% 547 4.07% 101194 2.97%
29 15104 3.65% 11119 3.63% 2902 3.06% 318 3.51% 554 4.13% 133609 3.93%
30 12108 2.93% 9246 3.02% 2647 2.79% 282 3.11% 443 3.30% 92649 2.72%

Hourly usage for June 2004

Hourly Statistics for June 2004
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 610 18316 4.43% 457 13731 4.48% 107 3217 3.39% 6273 188193 5.53%
1 297 8938 2.16% 224 6746 2.20% 85 2559 2.70% 2544 76331 2.24%
2 318 9551 2.31% 262 7863 2.57% 86 2589 2.73% 3749 112458 3.30%
3 172 5173 1.25% 153 4607 1.50% 75 2256 2.38% 1489 44656 1.31%
4 181 5453 1.32% 156 4709 1.54% 87 2622 2.77% 1387 41624 1.22%
5 197 5932 1.43% 158 4761 1.55% 82 2465 2.60% 1627 48815 1.43%
6 181 5458 1.32% 135 4064 1.33% 80 2411 2.54% 1186 35571 1.05%
7 423 12691 3.07% 291 8751 2.86% 110 3321 3.50% 2809 84280 2.48%
8 508 15243 3.69% 343 10305 3.36% 125 3776 3.98% 3319 99577 2.93%
9 619 18580 4.49% 440 13211 4.31% 132 3978 4.20% 4642 139265 4.09%
10 689 20675 5.00% 472 14174 4.62% 139 4199 4.43% 4903 147104 4.32%
11 694 20846 5.04% 488 14643 4.78% 147 4410 4.65% 5597 167905 4.93%
12 822 24675 5.97% 601 18051 5.89% 151 4535 4.78% 6437 193096 5.67%
13 916 27509 6.65% 695 20875 6.81% 239 7177 7.57% 7118 213533 6.27%
14 545 16361 3.96% 403 12118 3.95% 121 3640 3.84% 4866 145968 4.29%
15 744 22330 5.40% 583 17508 5.71% 148 4458 4.70% 6443 193304 5.68%
16 742 22288 5.39% 600 18006 5.87% 149 4499 4.75% 7352 220549 6.48%
17 668 20068 4.85% 535 16070 5.24% 165 4964 5.24% 5443 163288 4.80%
18 641 19231 4.65% 462 13889 4.53% 152 4575 4.83% 5211 156343 4.59%
19 806 24187 5.85% 583 17501 5.71% 156 4691 4.95% 6469 194076 5.70%
20 618 18550 4.49% 453 13609 4.44% 136 4100 4.33% 5886 176588 5.19%
21 804 24130 5.83% 564 16928 5.52% 172 5179 5.46% 6517 195511 5.74%
22 806 24186 5.85% 573 17190 5.61% 165 4961 5.23% 5591 167735 4.93%
23 773 23201 5.61% 573 17200 5.61% 139 4196 4.43% 6599 197956 5.82%

Top 30 of 6578 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 44389 10.73% 150475 4.42% /
2 2651 0.64% 7209 0.21% /navigation.htm
3 2620 0.63% 4651 0.14% /welcome.htm
4 2512 0.61% 8929 0.26% /hello.htm
5 2158 0.52% 7429 0.22% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
6 1987 0.48% 1891 0.06% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
7 1959 0.47% 10940 0.32% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
8 1350 0.33% 44983 1.32% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
9 879 0.21% 1001 0.03% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_top.htm
10 875 0.21% 756 0.02% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_frame.htm
11 773 0.19% 18842 0.55% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
12 703 0.17% 7582 0.22% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
13 694 0.17% 6300 0.19% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
14 540 0.13% 431 0.01% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_frame.htm
15 540 0.13% 574 0.02% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_top.htm
16 505 0.12% 8475 0.25% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
17 464 0.11% 36123 1.06% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
18 422 0.10% 2921 0.09% /news.htm
19 414 0.10% 31389 0.92% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
20 369 0.09% 9428 0.28% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
21 297 0.07% 345 0.01% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2003_frame.htm
22 294 0.07% 443 0.01% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2003_top.htm
23 287 0.07% 2491 0.07% /about.htm
24 287 0.07% 3725 0.11% /tr1/tr1_gallery_2.htm
25 281 0.07% 13078 0.38% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
26 265 0.06% 9693 0.28% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__one_bourbon_one_scotch_one_beer.mid
27 263 0.06% 1501 0.04% /tr1/tr1_sites.htm
28 260 0.06% 6214 0.18% /sounds/foreigner__cold_as_ice.mid
29 246 0.06% 4193 0.12% /tr1/tr1_misc.htm
30 244 0.06% 6343 0.19% /sounds/robert_palmer__addicted_to_love.mid

Top 10 of 6578 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 44389 10.73% 150475 4.42% /
2 61 0.01% 45440 1.34% /rallys/2000/whats_going_on.mp3
3 1350 0.33% 44983 1.32% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
4 464 0.11% 36123 1.06% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
5 414 0.10% 31389 0.92% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
6 773 0.19% 18842 0.55% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
7 197 0.05% 15826 0.46% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2003.html
8 281 0.07% 13078 0.38% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
9 177 0.04% 12702 0.37% /tr1_forum/wwwboard.html
10 133 0.03% 12642 0.37% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2000.html

Top 10 of 1436 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 44389 10.73% 2649 25.95% /
2 505 0.12% 305 2.99% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
3 464 0.11% 264 2.59% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 2651 0.64% 151 1.48% /navigation.htm
5 133 0.03% 131 1.28% /rallys/rally_2001.htm
6 217 0.05% 111 1.09% /tr1/offerings/parts_sepp.htm
7 1350 0.33% 105 1.03% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
8 694 0.17% 90 0.88% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
9 2512 0.61% 85 0.83% /hello.htm
10 1959 0.47% 84 0.82% /tr1/tr1_top.htm

Top 10 of 1620 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2512 0.61% 480 4.73% /hello.htm
2 464 0.11% 390 3.84% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
3 44389 10.73% 305 3.00% /
4 773 0.19% 283 2.79% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
5 1959 0.47% 239 2.35% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
6 694 0.17% 209 2.06% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
7 505 0.12% 207 2.04% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
8 2651 0.64% 191 1.88% /navigation.htm
9 703 0.17% 185 1.82% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
10 1350 0.33% 164 1.61% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html

Top 30 of 13424 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 44775 10.83% 34071 11.12% 385154 11.32% 364 4.02% *
2 41210 9.96% 41210 13.44% 144235 4.24% 1 0.01%
3 19814 4.79% 11871 3.87% 154945 4.55% 279 3.08% *
4 7137 1.73% 3518 1.15% 43105 1.27% 146 1.61% *
5 6589 1.59% 4834 1.58% 65130 1.91% 148 1.63% *
6 4061 0.98% 2084 0.68% 26152 0.77% 13 0.14%
7 3866 0.93% 1052 0.34% 18076 0.53% 4 0.04%
8 3207 0.78% 2828 0.92% 32019 0.94% 32 0.35%
9 3000 0.73% 571 0.19% 11847 0.35% 27 0.30%
10 2684 0.65% 2684 0.88% 10076 0.30% 1 0.01%
11 2594 0.63% 1439 0.47% 21785 0.64% 43 0.47% *
12 2590 0.63% 1958 0.64% 19454 0.57% 7 0.08%
13 2499 0.60% 887 0.29% 8067 0.24% 30 0.33%
14 2435 0.59% 2357 0.77% 14439 0.42% 44 0.49% *
15 2361 0.57% 605 0.20% 7716 0.23% 4 0.04%
16 2285 0.55% 1876 0.61% 19490 0.57% 36 0.40% *
17 2201 0.53% 1875 0.61% 53127 1.56% 1 0.01%
18 2052 0.50% 2052 0.67% 7128 0.21% 2 0.02%
19 2028 0.49% 1594 0.52% 14545 0.43% 10 0.11%
20 1746 0.42% 1584 0.52% 11372 0.33% 16 0.18%
21 1737 0.42% 1734 0.57% 50812 1.49% 3 0.03%
22 1698 0.41% 652 0.21% 11887 0.35% 1 0.01%
23 1660 0.40% 1034 0.34% 11563 0.34% 10 0.11%
24 1633 0.39% 1329 0.43% 17108 0.50% 36 0.40% *
25 1575 0.38% 995 0.32% 7044 0.21% 37 0.41%
26 1505 0.36% 496 0.16% 3350 0.10% 5 0.06%
27 1448 0.35% 1318 0.43% 7290 0.21% 16 0.18%
28 1443 0.35% 1443 0.47% 12854 0.38% 4 0.04%
29 1440 0.35% 383 0.12% 6179 0.18% 7 0.08%
30 1404 0.34% 536 0.17% 4420 0.13% 13 0.14%

Top 10 of 13424 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 44775 10.83% 34071 11.12% 385154 11.32% 364 4.02% *
2 19814 4.79% 11871 3.87% 154945 4.55% 279 3.08% *
3 41210 9.96% 41210 13.44% 144235 4.24% 1 0.01%
4 6589 1.59% 4834 1.58% 65130 1.91% 148 1.63% *
5 2201 0.53% 1875 0.61% 53127 1.56% 1 0.01%
6 1737 0.42% 1734 0.57% 50812 1.49% 3 0.03%
7 7137 1.73% 3518 1.15% 43105 1.27% 146 1.61% *
8 972 0.24% 920 0.30% 33564 0.99% 1 0.01%
9 909 0.22% 771 0.25% 32223 0.95% 0 0.00%
10 3207 0.78% 2828 0.92% 32019 0.94% 32 0.35%

Top 30 of 2485 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3391 0.82%
2 1934 0.47%
3 1303 0.32%
4 863 0.21%
5 548 0.13%
6 481 0.12%
7 414 0.10%
8 409 0.10%
9 338 0.08%
10 201 0.05%
11 191 0.05%
12 174 0.04%
13 151 0.04%
14 151 0.04%
15 149 0.04%
16 148 0.04%
17 138 0.03%
18 121 0.03%
19 114 0.03%
20 104 0.03%
21 97 0.02%
22 94 0.02%
23 94 0.02%
24 91 0.02%
25 87 0.02%
26 78 0.02%
27 74 0.02% http://bach.koblenz-net.lan/~horn/tr1board/welcome.html
28 67 0.02%
29 65 0.02%
30 61 0.01%

Top 20 of 2002 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 142 3.63% yamaha tr1
2 104 2.66% spanferkel
3 88 2.25% tr1
4 78 1.99% cafe racer
5 46 1.17% mikuni carburator
6 34 0.87% white power
7 29 0.74% slick 50
8 22 0.56% papercraft
9 22 0.56% xv 750
10 22 0.56% yamaha xv920
11 21 0.54% bsm auspuff
12 21 0.54% xv 750 se
13 21 0.54% yamaha tr 1
14 21 0.54% öldruckschalter
15 20 0.51% dellorto vergaser
16 19 0.49% xv920
17 19 0.49% yamaha xv 750 se
18 18 0.46% motorgeräusche
19 18 0.46% ral nummern
20 16 0.41% simmerring

Top 15 of 1714 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 262522 63.48% MS Internet Explorer 6
2 55236 13.36% MS Internet Explorer
3 41210 9.96% check_http/ (netsaint-plugins 1.2.9-4)"
4 10596 2.56% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
5 7561 1.83% Mozilla Firefox
6 6326 1.53% MS Internet Explorer 9
7 4188 1.01% Safari
8 4117 1.00% MS Internet Explorer 7
9 3577 0.86% Opera
10 2629 0.64% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
11 2510 0.61% MS Internet Explorer 8
12 2499 0.60% contype"
13 2052 0.50% Zao/0.2 ("
14 1711 0.41% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 3
15 800 0.19% Opera 7

Usage by Country for June 2004

Top 30 of 107 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 121581 29.40% 97527 31.82% 782623 22.99% Germany Germany
2 86909 21.01% 65366 21.33% 783451 23.02% Network (net)
3 46125 11.15% 31709 10.35% 414659 12.18% Commercial (com)
4 24200 5.85% 15611 5.09% 170723 5.02% Denmark Denmark
5 23763 5.75% 18476 6.03% 264649 7.78% Netherlands Netherlands
6 14183 3.43% 9681 3.16% 100812 2.96% Sweden Sweden
7 11134 2.69% 9629 3.14% 118826 3.49% United States United States
8 8364 2.02% 6616 2.16% 82644 2.43% Austria Austria
9 6221 1.50% 4974 1.62% 44829 1.32% Japan Japan
10 5709 1.38% 3848 1.26% 43188 1.27% France France
11 5592 1.35% 2161 0.71% 30138 0.89% Norway Norway
12 5284 1.28% 4130 1.35% 48442 1.42% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
13 4988 1.21% 3761 1.23% 51231 1.51% Canada Canada
14 4545 1.10% 2462 0.80% 27435 0.81% Cyprus Cyprus
15 4527 1.09% 3691 1.20% 40436 1.19% Switzerland Switzerland
16 4233 1.02% 3279 1.07% 43099 1.27% Belgium Belgium
17 4061 0.98% 2084 0.68% 26152 0.77% Generic TLD (info)
18 3748 0.91% 2641 0.86% 32157 0.94% Finland Finland
19 3275 0.79% 2583 0.84% 31068 0.91% Italy Italy
20 2893 0.70% 2102 0.69% 22886 0.67% Australia Australia
21 2684 0.65% 2684 0.88% 10076 0.30% Iraq Iraq
22 2543 0.61% 1285 0.42% 20788 0.61% New Zealand New Zealand
23 2383 0.58% 2053 0.67% 54097 1.59% Slovakia Slovakia
24 2030 0.49% 1754 0.57% 28903 0.85% Poland Poland
25 1529 0.37% 710 0.23% 7683 0.23% South Africa South Africa
26 1296 0.31% 828 0.27% 6642 0.20% United Kingdom United Kingdom
27 976 0.24% 563 0.18% 7301 0.21% European Union European Union
28 840 0.20% 444 0.14% 3961 0.12% Czech Republic Czech Republic
29 571 0.14% 416 0.14% 4271 0.13% Educational (edu)
30 535 0.13% 345 0.11% 2210 0.06% Dominican Republic Dominican Republic

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23