Usage statistics for (2004)

Summary Period: October 2004
Generated 30-Jun-2011 23:37

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2004
Total Hits 508957
Total Files 380872
Total Pages 105496
Total Visits 9567
Total KBytes 4306269
Total Unique Sites 15413
Total Unique URLs 7882
Total Unique Referrers 2319
Total Unique User Agents 1911
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 684 8054
Hits per Day 16417 23507
Files per Day 12286 18632
Pages per Day 3403 7383
Sites per Day 497 745
Visits per Day 308 703
KBytes per Day 138912 271917
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 74.83% 380872
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.79% 4004
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 29
Code 304 - Not Modified 23.90% 121656
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 78
Code 404 - Not Found 0.45% 2281
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 12
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 23
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 1

Daily usage for October 2004

Daily Statistics for October 2004
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 17031 3.35% 13493 3.54% 3501 3.32% 310 3.24% 708 4.59% 141180 3.28%
2 15082 2.96% 10292 2.70% 3640 3.45% 214 2.24% 578 3.75% 100082 2.32%
3 15056 2.96% 10437 2.74% 3789 3.59% 234 2.45% 585 3.80% 104472 2.43%
4 17400 3.42% 13595 3.57% 2799 2.65% 324 3.39% 661 4.29% 133523 3.10%
5 17499 3.44% 13060 3.43% 2716 2.57% 319 3.33% 627 4.07% 135923 3.16%
6 16819 3.30% 12578 3.30% 2971 2.82% 357 3.73% 661 4.29% 141440 3.28%
7 14194 2.79% 11552 3.03% 3897 3.69% 330 3.45% 649 4.21% 118444 2.75%
8 17848 3.51% 14087 3.70% 3701 3.51% 315 3.29% 633 4.11% 168052 3.90%
9 14491 2.85% 10465 2.75% 3382 3.21% 297 3.10% 478 3.10% 101365 2.35%
10 14619 2.87% 10785 2.83% 2750 2.61% 296 3.09% 688 4.46% 113187 2.63%
11 18983 3.73% 13829 3.63% 3681 3.49% 346 3.62% 698 4.53% 156789 3.64%
12 13591 2.67% 10380 2.73% 2716 2.57% 311 3.25% 654 4.24% 114318 2.65%
13 18711 3.68% 13078 3.43% 2940 2.79% 289 3.02% 662 4.30% 137184 3.19%
14 19434 3.82% 14514 3.81% 5775 5.47% 308 3.22% 618 4.01% 157108 3.65%
15 14418 2.83% 10628 2.79% 2818 2.67% 283 2.96% 626 4.06% 127962 2.97%
16 15720 3.09% 11585 3.04% 2903 2.75% 281 2.94% 677 4.39% 143552 3.33%
17 11706 2.30% 9696 2.55% 3052 2.89% 303 3.17% 671 4.35% 123015 2.86%
18 14203 2.79% 11437 3.00% 3008 2.85% 277 2.90% 618 4.01% 131789 3.06%
19 13008 2.56% 9671 2.54% 2819 2.67% 293 3.06% 652 4.23% 103934 2.41%
20 13539 2.66% 10152 2.67% 2963 2.81% 256 2.68% 639 4.15% 119351 2.77%
21 16678 3.28% 10939 2.87% 3081 2.92% 278 2.91% 645 4.18% 134546 3.12%
22 20766 4.08% 15681 4.12% 3067 2.91% 332 3.47% 745 4.83% 195834 4.55%
23 14280 2.81% 10266 2.70% 2678 2.54% 236 2.47% 545 3.54% 149315 3.47%
24 19532 3.84% 12849 3.37% 3110 2.95% 301 3.15% 667 4.33% 150320 3.49%
25 18859 3.71% 14973 3.93% 3025 2.87% 364 3.80% 679 4.41% 148058 3.44%
26 19537 3.84% 15555 4.08% 4183 3.97% 325 3.40% 720 4.67% 168522 3.91%
27 14285 2.81% 10531 2.76% 3153 2.99% 297 3.10% 670 4.35% 119560 2.78%
28 14722 2.89% 10956 2.88% 2744 2.60% 256 2.68% 590 3.83% 126808 2.94%
29 15376 3.02% 11220 2.95% 3364 3.19% 304 3.18% 622 4.04% 134554 3.12%
30 23507 4.62% 18632 4.89% 7383 7.00% 285 2.98% 546 3.54% 271917 6.31%
31 18063 3.55% 13956 3.66% 3887 3.68% 703 7.35% 635 4.12% 134164 3.12%

Hourly usage for October 2004

Hourly Statistics for October 2004
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 644 19969 3.92% 483 14986 3.93% 146 4532 4.30% 5289 163949 3.81%
1 341 10600 2.08% 288 8956 2.35% 122 3794 3.60% 3095 95938 2.23%
2 310 9628 1.89% 253 7862 2.06% 108 3356 3.18% 2933 90931 2.11%
3 315 9772 1.92% 263 8174 2.15% 118 3685 3.49% 2616 81085 1.88%
4 340 10559 2.07% 287 8911 2.34% 105 3270 3.10% 2828 87658 2.04%
5 247 7683 1.51% 201 6257 1.64% 86 2694 2.55% 1899 58873 1.37%
6 239 7424 1.46% 195 6049 1.59% 87 2721 2.58% 2518 78047 1.81%
7 382 11842 2.33% 280 8698 2.28% 102 3181 3.02% 3059 94833 2.20%
8 567 17593 3.46% 439 13626 3.58% 140 4340 4.11% 4128 127962 2.97%
9 612 18993 3.73% 467 14495 3.81% 140 4343 4.12% 5166 160157 3.72%
10 710 22031 4.33% 513 15906 4.18% 136 4221 4.00% 5496 170373 3.96%
11 844 26175 5.14% 591 18331 4.81% 143 4460 4.23% 6860 212674 4.94%
12 908 28176 5.54% 652 20230 5.31% 138 4300 4.08% 7450 230951 5.36%
13 922 28603 5.62% 693 21502 5.65% 150 4670 4.43% 8037 249156 5.79%
14 802 24879 4.89% 611 18958 4.98% 135 4199 3.98% 8093 250892 5.83%
15 672 20837 4.09% 505 15667 4.11% 123 3818 3.62% 5893 182669 4.24%
16 1059 32834 6.45% 825 25580 6.72% 286 8879 8.42% 8872 275040 6.39%
17 919 28502 5.60% 741 22992 6.04% 158 4902 4.65% 9479 293844 6.82%
18 763 23655 4.65% 560 17372 4.56% 143 4438 4.21% 6303 195396 4.54%
19 1014 31462 6.18% 688 21353 5.61% 169 5239 4.97% 7382 228831 5.31%
20 1068 33130 6.51% 800 24811 6.51% 167 5198 4.93% 8815 273255 6.35%
21 990 30694 6.03% 740 22947 6.02% 183 5681 5.39% 9264 287197 6.67%
22 972 30157 5.93% 649 20139 5.29% 170 5290 5.01% 7019 217596 5.05%
23 766 23759 4.67% 550 17070 4.48% 138 4285 4.06% 6418 198960 4.62%

Top 30 of 7882 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 39688 7.80% 135151 3.14% /
2 3060 0.60% 9664 0.22% /navigation.htm
3 2974 0.58% 6041 0.14% /welcome.htm
4 2844 0.56% 11937 0.28% /hello.htm
5 2430 0.48% 9265 0.22% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
6 2271 0.45% 14711 0.34% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
7 2220 0.44% 2360 0.05% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
8 1389 0.27% 88546 2.06% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
9 995 0.20% 11640 0.27% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
10 962 0.19% 1035 0.02% /tr1/offerings/parts_sepp.htm
11 888 0.17% 33004 0.77% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
12 838 0.16% 20874 0.48% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
13 820 0.16% 804 0.02% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_frame.htm
14 819 0.16% 1073 0.02% /tr1/tr1_discuss_2004_top.htm
15 721 0.14% 55878 1.30% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
16 710 0.14% 8023 0.19% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
17 639 0.13% 5670 0.13% /news.htm
18 488 0.10% 499 0.01% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_frame.htm
19 481 0.09% 662 0.02% /tr1/tr1_trade_2004_top.htm
20 463 0.09% 4300 0.10% /about.htm
21 444 0.09% 11516 0.27% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
22 437 0.09% 5785 0.13% /tr1/tr1_gallery_2.htm
23 391 0.08% 28046 0.65% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
24 387 0.08% 543 0.01% /rallys/rally_frame.htm
25 376 0.07% 2752 0.06% /rallys/rally_navigation.htm
26 374 0.07% 7042 0.16% /rallys/rally_2004.htm
27 360 0.07% 11699 0.27% /sounds/deep_purple__smoke_on_the_water.mid
28 347 0.07% 3702 0.09% /tr1/tr1_racing.htm
29 339 0.07% 8393 0.19% /sounds/bruce_springsteen__dancing_in_the_dark.mid
30 334 0.07% 11212 0.26% /sounds/dire_straits__money_for_nothing.mid

Top 10 of 7882 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 39688 7.80% 135151 3.14% /
2 1389 0.27% 88546 2.06% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
3 74 0.01% 60141 1.40% /rallys/2000/whats_going_on.mp3
4 721 0.14% 55878 1.30% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
5 888 0.17% 33004 0.77% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
6 391 0.08% 28046 0.65% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2003.html
7 838 0.16% 20874 0.48% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
8 47 0.01% 19751 0.46% /fun/motorsound.avi
9 175 0.03% 19527 0.45% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2000.html
10 250 0.05% 18469 0.43% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2003.html

Top 10 of 1912 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 39688 7.80% 2847 26.57% /
2 721 0.14% 479 4.47% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
3 838 0.16% 340 3.17% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
4 3060 0.60% 194 1.81% /navigation.htm
5 962 0.19% 178 1.66% /tr1/offerings/parts_sepp.htm
6 147 0.03% 143 1.33% /rallys/rally_2001.htm
7 138 0.03% 141 1.32% /tr1/tech_info/page17.htm
8 272 0.05% 134 1.25% /sitemap.htm
9 1389 0.27% 120 1.12% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
10 2844 0.56% 111 1.04% /hello.htm

Top 10 of 2059 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 721 0.14% 604 5.67% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
2 2844 0.56% 509 4.78% /hello.htm
3 838 0.16% 338 3.17% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
4 2271 0.45% 305 2.86% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
5 39688 7.80% 293 2.75% /
6 888 0.17% 271 2.54% /tr1_trade/wwwboard_2004.html
7 3060 0.60% 231 2.17% /navigation.htm
8 995 0.20% 224 2.10% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
9 1389 0.27% 189 1.77% /tr1_forum/wwwboard_2004.html
10 962 0.19% 180 1.69% /tr1/offerings/parts_sepp.htm

Top 30 of 15413 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 61197 12.02% 42060 11.04% 482972 11.22% 366 3.83% *
2 36241 7.12% 36241 9.52% 126844 2.95% 3 0.03%
3 33626 6.61% 20057 5.27% 255510 5.93% 299 3.13% *
4 11213 2.20% 11016 2.89% 189350 4.40% 1 0.01%
5 9607 1.89% 5627 1.48% 60268 1.40% 80 0.84% *
6 9396 1.85% 7715 2.03% 90455 2.10% 191 2.00% *
7 6652 1.31% 3448 0.91% 47536 1.10% 90 0.94% *
8 4392 0.86% 4392 1.15% 12842 0.30% 158 1.65%
9 3664 0.72% 3008 0.79% 24134 0.56% 51 0.53% *
10 3190 0.63% 739 0.19% 12938 0.30% 36 0.38%
11 3032 0.60% 2079 0.55% 28180 0.65% 12 0.13%
12 2993 0.59% 2933 0.77% 43726 1.02% 2 0.02%
13 2892 0.57% 1372 0.36% 14717 0.34% 30 0.31%
14 2876 0.57% 691 0.18% 8184 0.19% 6 0.06%
15 2696 0.53% 1478 0.39% 14576 0.34% 10 0.10% *
16 2670 0.52% 2082 0.55% 55210 1.28% 10 0.10%
17 2531 0.50% 2360 0.62% 12964 0.30% 31 0.32%
18 2338 0.46% 2338 0.61% 8735 0.20% 8 0.08%
19 2330 0.46% 1390 0.36% 18016 0.42% 16 0.17%
20 2245 0.44% 2119 0.56% 13165 0.31% 36 0.38%
21 2073 0.41% 2046 0.54% 10040 0.23% 12 0.13%
22 2035 0.40% 1141 0.30% 12783 0.30% 6 0.06%
23 2019 0.40% 848 0.22% 15767 0.37% 5 0.05%
24 1911 0.38% 1057 0.28% 18078 0.42% 1 0.01%
25 1816 0.36% 275 0.07% 4256 0.10% 11 0.11%
26 1745 0.34% 1716 0.45% 33139 0.77% 16 0.17%
27 1714 0.34% 980 0.26% 8211 0.19% 1 0.01%
28 1548 0.30% 1548 0.41% 13592 0.32% 3 0.03%
29 1496 0.29% 1197 0.31% 13734 0.32% 9 0.09%
30 1443 0.28% 1122 0.29% 13560 0.31% 1 0.01%

Top 10 of 15413 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 61197 12.02% 42060 11.04% 482972 11.22% 366 3.83% *
2 33626 6.61% 20057 5.27% 255510 5.93% 299 3.13% *
3 11213 2.20% 11016 2.89% 189350 4.40% 1 0.01%
4 36241 7.12% 36241 9.52% 126844 2.95% 3 0.03%
5 9396 1.85% 7715 2.03% 90455 2.10% 191 2.00% *
6 9607 1.89% 5627 1.48% 60268 1.40% 80 0.84% *
7 2670 0.52% 2082 0.55% 55210 1.28% 10 0.10%
8 6652 1.31% 3448 0.91% 47536 1.10% 90 0.94% *
9 2993 0.59% 2933 0.77% 43726 1.02% 2 0.02%
10 1094 0.21% 1092 0.29% 39220 0.91% 2 0.02%

Top 30 of 2319 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 5369 1.05%
2 1542 0.30%
3 1449 0.28%
4 1263 0.25%
5 844 0.17%
6 563 0.11%
7 549 0.11%
8 513 0.10%
9 418 0.08%
10 354 0.07%
11 306 0.06%
12 225 0.04%
13 177 0.03%
14 145 0.03%
15 137 0.03%
16 131 0.03%
17 128 0.03%
18 126 0.02%
19 113 0.02%
20 100 0.02%
21 96 0.02%
22 93 0.02%
23 87 0.02%
24 77 0.02%
25 75 0.01%
26 72 0.01%
27 64 0.01%
28 63 0.01%
29 59 0.01%
30 58 0.01%

Top 20 of 1578 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 145 4.44% yamaha tr1
2 124 3.80% cafe racer
3 97 2.97% spanferkel
4 80 2.45% tr1
5 61 1.87% schaltplan
6 29 0.89% simmerringe
7 27 0.83% anlasser
8 26 0.80% xv920
9 24 0.74% xv1000
10 23 0.70% mikuni carburator
11 23 0.70% reifenalter
12 22 0.67% yamaha xv 920
13 19 0.58% ral nummern
14 19 0.58% yamaha xv1000
15 18 0.55% yamaha xv920
16 17 0.52% yamaha tr 1
17 14 0.43%
18 13 0.40% valve clearance
19 12 0.37% vergasermembran
20 11 0.34% lithiumfett

Top 15 of 1911 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 331412 65.12% MS Internet Explorer 6
2 46831 9.20% MS Internet Explorer
3 36241 7.12% check_http/ (netsaint-plugins 1.2.9-4)"
4 18079 3.55% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
5 15961 3.14% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
6 14803 2.91% Mozilla Firefox
7 8122 1.60% MS Internet Explorer 9
8 3437 0.68% Safari
9 3407 0.67% Opera
10 3108 0.61% Program Shareware 1.0.0"
11 2707 0.53% contype"
12 2531 0.50% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 3
13 2335 0.46% Seekbot/1.0 ( HTTPFetcher/0.3"
14 2287 0.45% MS Internet Explorer 8
15 2187 0.43% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 2

Usage by Country for October 2004

Top 30 of 105 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 130285 25.60% 104794 27.51% 893620 20.75% Germany Germany
2 115637 22.72% 82924 21.77% 931053 21.62% Network (net)
3 52445 10.30% 41266 10.83% 531548 12.34% Commercial (com)
4 30166 5.93% 22228 5.84% 278625 6.47% Netherlands Netherlands
5 24798 4.87% 20342 5.34% 311249 7.23% France France
6 23029 4.52% 16544 4.34% 211169 4.90% Australia Australia
7 19730 3.88% 11455 3.01% 119056 2.76% Denmark Denmark
8 17338 3.41% 15240 4.00% 143676 3.34% United States United States
9 12526 2.46% 6772 1.78% 76718 1.78% Sweden Sweden
10 8621 1.69% 5925 1.56% 64972 1.51% Italy Italy
11 8310 1.63% 6179 1.62% 102710 2.39% Canada Canada
12 5966 1.17% 5446 1.43% 53030 1.23% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
13 5957 1.17% 4779 1.25% 66649 1.55% Austria Austria
14 5601 1.10% 4254 1.12% 42248 0.98% Belgium Belgium
15 5237 1.03% 2525 0.66% 39659 0.92% Poland Poland
16 4834 0.95% 3533 0.93% 39791 0.92% United Kingdom United Kingdom
17 4722 0.93% 3810 1.00% 56050 1.30% Switzerland Switzerland
18 3661 0.72% 2756 0.72% 33318 0.77% Finland Finland
19 3556 0.70% 2741 0.72% 20254 0.47% Japan Japan
20 3384 0.66% 2311 0.61% 20543 0.48% Cyprus Cyprus
21 2599 0.51% 2596 0.68% 11328 0.26% European Union European Union
22 2187 0.43% 1808 0.47% 17465 0.41% Kuwait Kuwait
23 2156 0.42% 1715 0.45% 18506 0.43% New Zealand New Zealand
24 1956 0.38% 1431 0.38% 14524 0.34% Norway Norway
25 1948 0.38% 1499 0.39% 56303 1.31% Brazil Brazil
26 1557 0.31% 646 0.17% 9582 0.22% South Africa South Africa
27 1124 0.22% 1008 0.26% 11421 0.27% Greece Greece
28 1075 0.21% 785 0.21% 12035 0.28% Argentina Argentina
29 627 0.12% 605 0.16% 19233 0.45% Hungary Hungary
30 615 0.12% 412 0.11% 12470 0.29% Mexico Mexico

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23