Usage statistics for (2008)

Summary Period: February 2008
Generated 30-Jun-2011 23:56

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2008
Total Hits 637136
Total Files 501201
Total Pages 84435
Total Visits 8362
Total KBytes 6224490
Total Unique Sites 23780
Total Unique URLs 4595
Total Unique Referrers 1022
Total Unique User Agents 2775
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 915 5089
Hits per Day 21970 29659
Files per Day 17282 23888
Pages per Day 2911 3762
Sites per Day 820 1373
Visits per Day 288 336
KBytes per Day 214638 370480
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 78.66% 501201
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.46% 2909
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 28
Code 302 - Found 0.09% 593
Code 304 - Not Modified 19.68% 125365
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.03% 163
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 96
Code 404 - Not Found 1.03% 6562
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 10
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.03% 201
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 1
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 7

Daily usage for February 2008

Daily Statistics for February 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 20067 3.15% 16222 3.24% 3040 3.60% 289 3.46% 1068 4.49% 192516 3.09%
2 21839 3.43% 16836 3.36% 2863 3.39% 273 3.26% 557 2.34% 218042 3.50%
3 21860 3.43% 15160 3.02% 2643 3.13% 301 3.60% 1042 4.38% 182157 2.93%
4 19852 3.12% 16827 3.36% 3055 3.62% 328 3.92% 1285 5.40% 195200 3.14%
5 25422 3.99% 21389 4.27% 3762 4.46% 331 3.96% 1271 5.34% 309646 4.97%
6 21944 3.44% 18053 3.60% 3485 4.13% 309 3.70% 1246 5.24% 217690 3.50%
7 22653 3.56% 18811 3.75% 3521 4.17% 295 3.53% 1176 4.95% 223219 3.59%
8 17960 2.82% 15696 3.13% 2856 3.38% 293 3.50% 1245 5.24% 203867 3.28%
9 19793 3.11% 16211 3.23% 3080 3.65% 313 3.74% 1220 5.13% 189445 3.04%
10 22970 3.61% 17331 3.46% 3157 3.74% 301 3.60% 1224 5.15% 216134 3.47%
11 23962 3.76% 18601 3.71% 2911 3.45% 304 3.64% 1277 5.37% 209995 3.37%
12 20093 3.15% 15462 3.08% 2777 3.29% 336 4.02% 1323 5.56% 199554 3.21%
13 18292 2.87% 13405 2.67% 2552 3.02% 265 3.17% 1179 4.96% 180343 2.90%
14 16441 2.58% 13560 2.71% 2490 2.95% 242 2.89% 1248 5.25% 188908 3.03%
15 25946 4.07% 19857 3.96% 2642 3.13% 276 3.30% 1353 5.69% 271681 4.36%
16 29659 4.66% 23888 4.77% 3077 3.64% 277 3.31% 1322 5.56% 370480 5.95%
17 24808 3.89% 19640 3.92% 3058 3.62% 258 3.09% 1296 5.45% 241090 3.87%
18 25872 4.06% 18152 3.62% 2920 3.46% 291 3.48% 1255 5.28% 279029 4.48%
19 25668 4.03% 18173 3.63% 2804 3.32% 287 3.43% 1373 5.77% 230488 3.70%
20 18935 2.97% 14874 2.97% 2636 3.12% 280 3.35% 1290 5.42% 184711 2.97%
21 18859 2.96% 15253 3.04% 2434 2.88% 229 2.74% 1259 5.29% 207279 3.33%
22 29053 4.56% 23055 4.60% 3031 3.59% 308 3.68% 1265 5.32% 269810 4.33%
23 20020 3.14% 16149 3.22% 2638 3.12% 256 3.06% 1187 4.99% 196693 3.16%
24 18955 2.98% 14978 2.99% 2621 3.10% 230 2.75% 1203 5.06% 185760 2.98%
25 25424 3.99% 18898 3.77% 2889 3.42% 290 3.47% 487 2.05% 179720 2.89%
26 25449 3.99% 18606 3.71% 3175 3.76% 336 4.02% 550 2.31% 196782 3.16%
27 19017 2.98% 15541 3.10% 2669 3.16% 273 3.26% 642 2.70% 165133 2.65%
28 15770 2.48% 13807 2.75% 2834 3.36% 292 3.49% 618 2.60% 136048 2.19%
29 20553 3.23% 16766 3.35% 2815 3.33% 335 4.01% 581 2.44% 183072 2.94%

Hourly usage for February 2008

Hourly Statistics for February 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 590 17124 2.69% 451 13100 2.61% 100 2924 3.46% 5949 172522 2.77%
1 382 11079 1.74% 324 9406 1.88% 94 2737 3.24% 5177 150121 2.41%
2 368 10690 1.68% 305 8871 1.77% 103 3002 3.56% 4783 138718 2.23%
3 351 10207 1.60% 292 8475 1.69% 84 2462 2.92% 4316 125159 2.01%
4 323 9386 1.47% 258 7487 1.49% 97 2825 3.35% 3556 103114 1.66%
5 312 9062 1.42% 273 7941 1.58% 97 2816 3.34% 4153 120449 1.94%
6 320 9280 1.46% 285 8288 1.65% 82 2391 2.83% 4198 121733 1.96%
7 673 19526 3.06% 562 16315 3.26% 118 3424 4.06% 6885 199651 3.21%
8 743 21552 3.38% 583 16927 3.38% 115 3360 3.98% 7048 204400 3.28%
9 1026 29773 4.67% 711 20620 4.11% 124 3605 4.27% 8302 240750 3.87%
10 984 28548 4.48% 762 22121 4.41% 112 3261 3.86% 9123 264554 4.25%
11 1066 30925 4.85% 813 23592 4.71% 124 3596 4.26% 10053 291525 4.68%
12 1161 33690 5.29% 903 26206 5.23% 130 3777 4.47% 11235 325812 5.23%
13 1049 30448 4.78% 859 24926 4.97% 131 3803 4.50% 11870 344231 5.53%
14 1134 32892 5.16% 926 26875 5.36% 124 3617 4.28% 12028 348813 5.60%
15 1076 31211 4.90% 853 24751 4.94% 127 3706 4.39% 12838 372289 5.98%
16 1051 30499 4.79% 838 24305 4.85% 122 3558 4.21% 10079 292297 4.70%
17 1246 36160 5.68% 1007 29220 5.83% 142 4123 4.88% 11601 336426 5.40%
18 1443 41870 6.57% 1150 33369 6.66% 147 4269 5.06% 13527 392274 6.30%
19 1464 42457 6.66% 1082 31394 6.26% 164 4778 5.66% 12408 359820 5.78%
20 1607 46613 7.32% 1237 35885 7.16% 150 4370 5.18% 12642 366606 5.89%
21 1460 42361 6.65% 1110 32207 6.43% 163 4749 5.62% 12605 365547 5.87%
22 1254 36376 5.71% 995 28877 5.76% 132 3850 4.56% 11260 326543 5.25%
23 876 25407 3.99% 691 20043 4.00% 118 3432 4.06% 9005 261136 4.20%

Top 30 of 4595 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 46504 7.30% 170620 2.74% /
2 4402 0.69% 13289 0.21% /navigation.htm
3 3943 0.62% 10788 0.17% /welcome.htm
4 3792 0.60% 16914 0.27% /hello.htm
5 2606 0.41% 19332 0.31% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
6 2396 0.38% 10164 0.16% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
7 2293 0.36% 14650 0.24% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
8 2266 0.36% 2633 0.04% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
9 714 0.11% 8902 0.14% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
10 608 0.10% 7913 0.13% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
11 494 0.08% 37856 0.61% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
12 473 0.07% 5025 0.08% /news.htm
13 426 0.07% 20479 0.33% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
14 378 0.06% 10868 0.17% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
15 353 0.06% 5070 0.08% /about.htm
16 348 0.05% 535 0.01% /rallys/rally_frame.htm
17 340 0.05% 7059 0.11% /tr1/tr1_gallery_sepp.htm
18 333 0.05% 913 0.01% /rallys/rally_2008.htm
19 318 0.05% 2374 0.04% /rallys/rally_navigation.htm
20 316 0.05% 4044 0.06% /tr1/tr1_gallery_2.htm
21 303 0.05% 13737 0.22% /sounds/kiss__i_was_made_for_loving_you.mid
22 302 0.05% 7696 0.12% /sounds/zz_top__la_grange.mid
23 301 0.05% 8534 0.14% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__boom_boom_boom.mid
24 297 0.05% 15103 0.24% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
25 293 0.05% 8064 0.13% /sounds/robert_palmer__addicted_to_love.mid
26 291 0.05% 8401 0.13% /sounds/rolling_stones__satisfaction.mid
27 286 0.04% 13240 0.21% /sounds/rolling_stones__brown_sugar.mid
28 285 0.04% 10730 0.17% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__one_bourbon_one_scotch_one_beer.mid
29 282 0.04% 6886 0.11% /sounds/blues_brothers__everybody.mid
30 281 0.04% 7667 0.12% /sounds/brian_adams__cloud_9.mid

Top 10 of 4595 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 46504 7.30% 170620 2.74% /
2 3 0.00% 67659 1.09% /service/xv750se.rar
3 494 0.08% 37856 0.61% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 2 0.00% 34015 0.55% /service/xv750se.pdf.rar
5 4 0.00% 27612 0.44% /service/xv1000.rar
6 426 0.07% 20479 0.33% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
7 2606 0.41% 19332 0.31% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
8 3792 0.60% 16914 0.27% /hello.htm
9 297 0.05% 15103 0.24% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
10 2293 0.36% 14650 0.24% /tr1/tr1_top.htm

Top 10 of 145 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 46504 7.30% 4251 47.76% /
2 2606 0.41% 1843 20.71% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
3 494 0.08% 360 4.04% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 4402 0.69% 336 3.77% /navigation.htm
5 426 0.07% 289 3.25% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
6 378 0.06% 155 1.74% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
7 148 0.02% 135 1.52% /tr1/press/web/motor-kritik_txt1.htm
8 3792 0.60% 112 1.26% /hello.htm
9 3943 0.62% 110 1.24% /welcome.htm
10 268 0.04% 95 1.07% /guestbook/guestbook_2007.htm

Top 10 of 157 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2606 0.41% 2101 23.90% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
2 2293 0.36% 1213 13.80% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
3 3792 0.60% 1047 11.91% /hello.htm
4 46504 7.30% 653 7.43% /
5 4402 0.69% 449 5.11% /navigation.htm
6 494 0.08% 333 3.79% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
7 2396 0.38% 285 3.24% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
8 426 0.07% 256 2.91% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
9 378 0.06% 176 2.00% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
10 608 0.10% 172 1.96% /tr1/tr1_info.htm

Top 30 of 23780 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 104296 16.37% 76915 15.35% 979012 15.73% 366 4.38% *
2 41639 6.54% 41639 8.31% 156878 2.52% 1 0.01%
3 32610 5.12% 25471 5.08% 307552 4.94% 183 2.19% *
4 25549 4.01% 20203 4.03% 261491 4.20% 164 1.96% *
5 16947 2.66% 12877 2.57% 160395 2.58% 149 1.78% *
6 14994 2.35% 7409 1.48% 129986 2.09% 57 0.68% *
7 12426 1.95% 1869 0.37% 17611 0.28% 2 0.02%
8 9667 1.52% 9616 1.92% 284540 4.57% 116 1.39%
9 4977 0.78% 3794 0.76% 45290 0.73% 28 0.33% *
10 4962 0.78% 4822 0.96% 96911 1.56% 6 0.07%
11 4588 0.72% 2051 0.41% 23711 0.38% 6 0.07%
12 4074 0.64% 4021 0.80% 34332 0.55% 50 0.60% *
13 4014 0.63% 755 0.15% 13440 0.22% 13 0.16%
14 3570 0.56% 2398 0.48% 34030 0.55% 24 0.29%
15 2874 0.45% 888 0.18% 17490 0.28% 30 0.36%
16 2035 0.32% 2033 0.41% 9720 0.16% 2 0.02%
17 1889 0.30% 1725 0.34% 54684 0.88% 4 0.05%
18 1868 0.29% 1240 0.25% 10879 0.17% 19 0.23%
19 1825 0.29% 637 0.13% 11852 0.19% 5 0.06%
20 1633 0.26% 519 0.10% 4210 0.07% 3 0.04%
21 1627 0.26% 1398 0.28% 14692 0.24% 17 0.20% *
22 1625 0.26% 1625 0.32% 9703 0.16% 5 0.06%
23 1585 0.25% 1579 0.32% 23773 0.38% 7 0.08%
24 1507 0.24% 1493 0.30% 15183 0.24% 8 0.10%
25 1498 0.24% 1427 0.28% 18381 0.30% 15 0.18%
26 1487 0.23% 1485 0.30% 9898 0.16% 10 0.12%
27 1442 0.23% 1149 0.23% 26530 0.43% 5 0.06%
28 1380 0.22% 722 0.14% 7274 0.12% 4 0.05%
29 1299 0.20% 1030 0.21% 19349 0.31% 5 0.06%
30 1286 0.20% 1283 0.26% 35190 0.57% 8 0.10%

Top 10 of 23780 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 104296 16.37% 76915 15.35% 979012 15.73% 366 4.38% *
2 32610 5.12% 25471 5.08% 307552 4.94% 183 2.19% *
3 9667 1.52% 9616 1.92% 284540 4.57% 116 1.39%
4 25549 4.01% 20203 4.03% 261491 4.20% 164 1.96% *
5 16947 2.66% 12877 2.57% 160395 2.58% 149 1.78% *
6 41639 6.54% 41639 8.31% 156878 2.52% 1 0.01%
7 14994 2.35% 7409 1.48% 129986 2.09% 57 0.68% *
8 4962 0.78% 4822 0.96% 96911 1.56% 6 0.07%
9 1889 0.30% 1725 0.34% 54684 0.88% 4 0.05%
10 4977 0.78% 3794 0.76% 45290 0.73% 28 0.33% *

Top 30 of 1022 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 22955 3.60%
2 1567 0.25%
3 1513 0.24%
4 1076 0.17%
5 928 0.15%
6 858 0.13%
7 844 0.13%
8 823 0.13%
9 731 0.11%
10 456 0.07%
11 444 0.07%
12 415 0.07%
13 408 0.06%
14 317 0.05%
15 310 0.05%
16 277 0.04%
17 245 0.04%
18 242 0.04%
19 219 0.03%
20 171 0.03%äder/suzuki/bike/bikes
21 168 0.03%
22 156 0.02%
23 153 0.02%
24 149 0.02%
25 142 0.02%\xe4der/suzuki/bike/bikes
26 129 0.02%
27 126 0.02%
28 126 0.02%
29 117 0.02%
30 116 0.02%,432.0.html

Top 20 of 517 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 260 16.74% tr1
2 236 15.20% yamaha tr1
3 31 2.00% yamaha tr 1
4 29 1.87% xv1000
5 27 1.74% xv920
6 26 1.67% yamaha xv920
7 24 1.55% bmw r100
8 23 1.48%
9 21 1.35% caferacer
10 20 1.29% tr 1
11 20 1.29% tr1 yamaha
12 20 1.29% yamaha xv1000
13 15 0.97% yamaha tr-1
14 14 0.90% yamaha
15 13 0.84% yamaha xv 1000
16 13 0.84% yamaha xv 1000 tr1
17 11 0.71% wilhelm hahne
18 10 0.64%
19 9 0.58% kettenkasten
20 9 0.58% racing flagge

Top 15 of 2775 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 188255 29.55% MS Internet Explorer 6
2 173119 27.17% MS Internet Explorer 7
3 146264 22.96% Mozilla Firefox 2
4 41639 6.54% check_http/1.101 (nagios-plugins 1.4.8)"
5 35846 5.63% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
6 10290 1.62% Safari
7 8099 1.27% Opera 9
8 4850 0.76% Mozilla Firefox 1
9 4787 0.75% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
10 3840 0.60% MS Internet Explorer 9
11 3217 0.50% Opera
12 2440 0.38% contype"
13 1991 0.31% MS Internet Explorer
14 1422 0.22% Mozilla Firefox
15 962 0.15% Mozilla Firefox 3

Usage by Country for February 2008

Top 30 of 123 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 208599 32.74% 163790 32.68% 2104374 33.81% Network (net)
2 192056 30.14% 151449 30.22% 1582575 25.42% Germany Germany
3 55994 8.79% 45881 9.15% 748280 12.02% Commercial (com)
4 29578 4.64% 20110 4.01% 249102 4.00% Netherlands Netherlands
5 14523 2.28% 12968 2.59% 204009 3.28% United States United States
6 13538 2.12% 10301 2.06% 97348 1.56% Denmark Denmark
7 10337 1.62% 7918 1.58% 95875 1.54% Italy Italy
8 10102 1.59% 7669 1.53% 98502 1.58% France France
9 9650 1.51% 8226 1.64% 75639 1.22% Australia Australia
10 9563 1.50% 6735 1.34% 81835 1.31% Sweden Sweden
11 8533 1.34% 6965 1.39% 112824 1.81% Austria Austria
12 6779 1.06% 5503 1.10% 59161 0.95% Finland Finland
13 6271 0.98% 4362 0.87% 39099 0.63% New Zealand New Zealand
14 5725 0.90% 4996 1.00% 61406 0.99% Switzerland Switzerland
15 5195 0.82% 3798 0.76% 42437 0.68% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
16 4904 0.77% 3987 0.80% 79303 1.27% Poland Poland
17 4098 0.64% 3942 0.79% 34878 0.56% Russian Federation Russian Federation
18 3752 0.59% 2927 0.58% 39543 0.64% Japan Japan
19 2564 0.40% 2120 0.42% 50059 0.80% China China
20 2441 0.38% 1964 0.39% 17535 0.28% United Kingdom United Kingdom
21 2354 0.37% 2178 0.43% 17601 0.28% Canada Canada
22 2161 0.34% 1824 0.36% 15472 0.25% Hungary Hungary
23 2126 0.33% 2072 0.41% 18436 0.30% South Africa South Africa
24 1536 0.24% 1406 0.28% 12492 0.20% Belgium Belgium
25 1480 0.23% 1251 0.25% 5925 0.10% Ukraine Ukraine
26 1440 0.23% 1406 0.28% 12436 0.20% Educational (edu)
27 1230 0.19% 1119 0.22% 25792 0.41% Czech Republic Czech Republic
28 1184 0.19% 1134 0.23% 16737 0.27% Bulgaria Bulgaria
29 1126 0.18% 894 0.18% 6698 0.11% Latvia Latvia
30 1104 0.17% 249 0.05% 2425 0.04% Non-Profit (org)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23