Usage statistics for (2008)

Summary Period: April 2008
Generated 01-Jul-2011 00:00

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2008
Total Hits 690926
Total Files 541125
Total Pages 88094
Total Visits 9899
Total KBytes 5467978
Total Unique Sites 12737
Total Unique URLs 4547
Total Unique Referrers 944
Total Unique User Agents 2214
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 959 3842
Hits per Day 23030 33294
Files per Day 18037 29748
Pages per Day 2936 3435
Sites per Day 424 714
Visits per Day 329 457
KBytes per Day 182266 516044
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 78.32% 541125
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.44% 3021
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 5
Code 302 - Found 0.13% 903
Code 304 - Not Modified 20.33% 140444
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 62
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 163
Code 404 - Not Found 0.71% 4889
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 7
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.04% 306
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 1

Daily usage for April 2008

Daily Statistics for April 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 15579 2.25% 12532 2.32% 2444 2.77% 296 2.99% 580 4.55% 129902 2.38%
2 27170 3.93% 22307 4.12% 3304 3.75% 349 3.53% 577 4.53% 192529 3.52%
3 21658 3.13% 17469 3.23% 3221 3.66% 307 3.10% 574 4.51% 175080 3.20%
4 26316 3.81% 19455 3.60% 2892 3.28% 343 3.46% 535 4.20% 185898 3.40%
5 17974 2.60% 14142 2.61% 2584 2.93% 309 3.12% 537 4.22% 112031 2.05%
6 30856 4.47% 22051 4.08% 3435 3.90% 353 3.57% 671 5.27% 223931 4.10%
7 24354 3.52% 19994 3.69% 3192 3.62% 358 3.62% 704 5.53% 192073 3.51%
8 24343 3.52% 18650 3.45% 2942 3.34% 364 3.68% 584 4.59% 158652 2.90%
9 22762 3.29% 18369 3.39% 3119 3.54% 392 3.96% 607 4.77% 185990 3.40%
10 20948 3.03% 17038 3.15% 3039 3.45% 354 3.58% 578 4.54% 153773 2.81%
11 33294 4.82% 29748 5.50% 3068 3.48% 340 3.43% 467 3.67% 516044 9.44%
12 20868 3.02% 15255 2.82% 2837 3.22% 316 3.19% 493 3.87% 154219 2.82%
13 29803 4.31% 21306 3.94% 3293 3.74% 325 3.28% 619 4.86% 225120 4.12%
14 23883 3.46% 17228 3.18% 2873 3.26% 329 3.32% 520 4.08% 174973 3.20%
15 25052 3.63% 19286 3.56% 3041 3.45% 390 3.94% 664 5.21% 199756 3.65%
16 18839 2.73% 14435 2.67% 2702 3.07% 305 3.08% 513 4.03% 135572 2.48%
17 19919 2.88% 15017 2.78% 2746 3.12% 309 3.12% 564 4.43% 143416 2.62%
18 18779 2.72% 15272 2.82% 2707 3.07% 312 3.15% 591 4.64% 130421 2.39%
19 18509 2.68% 14529 2.68% 2583 2.93% 256 2.59% 539 4.23% 164414 3.01%
20 27006 3.91% 20702 3.83% 2953 3.35% 300 3.03% 592 4.65% 238478 4.36%
21 27114 3.92% 22770 4.21% 3189 3.62% 366 3.70% 714 5.61% 205604 3.76%
22 22323 3.23% 18783 3.47% 2932 3.33% 305 3.08% 663 5.21% 171182 3.13%
23 25238 3.65% 17471 3.23% 2956 3.36% 342 3.45% 632 4.96% 151821 2.78%
24 25731 3.72% 20358 3.76% 2742 3.11% 316 3.19% 700 5.50% 231756 4.24%
25 21950 3.18% 17161 3.17% 2777 3.15% 293 2.96% 573 4.50% 165284 3.02%
26 16393 2.37% 12779 2.36% 2588 2.94% 277 2.80% 536 4.21% 116098 2.12%
27 19136 2.77% 14350 2.65% 2607 2.96% 237 2.39% 515 4.04% 141719 2.59%
28 24684 3.57% 18896 3.49% 3350 3.80% 457 4.62% 647 5.08% 164778 3.01%
29 21827 3.16% 18313 3.38% 2968 3.37% 362 3.66% 596 4.68% 178471 3.26%
30 18618 2.69% 15459 2.86% 3010 3.42% 384 3.88% 646 5.07% 148994 2.72%

Hourly usage for April 2008

Hourly Statistics for April 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 661 19853 2.87% 554 16626 3.07% 112 3366 3.82% 5404 162123 2.96%
1 384 11543 1.67% 339 10198 1.88% 90 2728 3.10% 3463 103902 1.90%
2 440 13226 1.91% 346 10402 1.92% 99 2982 3.39% 3794 113809 2.08%
3 337 10110 1.46% 281 8437 1.56% 84 2537 2.88% 3365 100948 1.85%
4 310 9305 1.35% 268 8056 1.49% 83 2508 2.85% 3057 91715 1.68%
5 432 12963 1.88% 355 10651 1.97% 90 2705 3.07% 4253 127588 2.33%
6 385 11551 1.67% 304 9143 1.69% 88 2654 3.01% 3025 90750 1.66%
7 732 21964 3.18% 581 17456 3.23% 102 3074 3.49% 5935 178048 3.26%
8 932 27974 4.05% 653 19609 3.62% 112 3381 3.84% 6778 203343 3.72%
9 988 29664 4.29% 736 22081 4.08% 120 3616 4.10% 6962 208871 3.82%
10 966 28993 4.20% 743 22313 4.12% 121 3657 4.15% 8042 241257 4.41%
11 1090 32714 4.73% 829 24876 4.60% 140 4200 4.77% 8829 264861 4.84%
12 1184 35524 5.14% 944 28340 5.24% 136 4090 4.64% 10295 308847 5.65%
13 1050 31521 4.56% 867 26039 4.81% 129 3871 4.39% 8301 249045 4.55%
14 1179 35383 5.12% 922 27676 5.11% 127 3814 4.33% 9663 289885 5.30%
15 1231 36940 5.35% 918 27546 5.09% 126 3806 4.32% 10102 303073 5.54%
16 1230 36909 5.34% 905 27179 5.02% 128 3846 4.37% 8108 243246 4.45%
17 1401 42046 6.09% 1079 32391 5.99% 144 4344 4.93% 10758 322733 5.90%
18 1290 38715 5.60% 938 28167 5.21% 138 4157 4.72% 9532 285958 5.23%
19 1428 42850 6.20% 1157 34739 6.42% 150 4515 5.13% 11162 334858 6.12%
20 1520 45626 6.60% 1241 37249 6.88% 158 4754 5.40% 11326 339794 6.21%
21 1409 42286 6.12% 1182 35474 6.56% 159 4787 5.43% 11379 341382 6.24%
22 1418 42542 6.16% 1104 33142 6.12% 155 4667 5.30% 10969 329060 6.02%
23 1024 30724 4.45% 777 23335 4.31% 134 4035 4.58% 7763 232883 4.26%

Top 30 of 4547 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 48618 7.04% 181125 3.31% /
2 5205 0.75% 15269 0.28% /navigation.htm
3 4643 0.67% 12391 0.23% /welcome.htm
4 4492 0.65% 19558 0.36% /hello.htm
5 3512 0.51% 34972 0.64% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
6 2701 0.39% 16422 0.30% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
7 2688 0.39% 11410 0.21% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
8 2552 0.37% 2926 0.05% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
9 743 0.11% 9263 0.17% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
10 721 0.10% 8601 0.16% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
11 453 0.07% 4764 0.09% /news.htm
12 423 0.06% 12466 0.23% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
13 412 0.06% 30768 0.56% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
14 372 0.05% 13696 0.25% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__one_bourbon_one_scotch_one_beer.mid
15 357 0.05% 16212 0.30% /sounds/kiss__i_was_made_for_loving_you.mid
16 357 0.05% 7040 0.13% /tr1/tr1_gallery_sepp.htm
17 352 0.05% 16842 0.31% /sounds/rolling_stones__brown_sugar.mid
18 352 0.05% 9568 0.17% /sounds/stevie_ray_vaughan__crossfire.mid
19 350 0.05% 7481 0.14% /sounds/alphaville__for_ever_young.mid
20 350 0.05% 9658 0.18% /sounds/brian_adams__cloud_9.mid
21 342 0.05% 11481 0.21% /sounds/europe__the_final_countdown.mid
22 341 0.05% 9783 0.18% /sounds/black_sabbath__paranoid.mid
23 336 0.05% 8554 0.16% /sounds/blues_brothers__everybody.mid
24 335 0.05% 17446 0.32% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
25 334 0.05% 4805 0.09% /about.htm
26 333 0.05% 13413 0.25% /sounds/animals__house_of_the_rising_sun.mid
27 324 0.05% 11667 0.21% /sounds/deep_purple__smoke_on_the_water.mid
28 322 0.05% 9183 0.17% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__boom_boom_boom.mid
29 318 0.05% 6127 0.11% /sounds/dire_straits__brothers_in_mind.mid
30 314 0.05% 8517 0.16% /sounds/bruce_springsteen__dancing_in_the_dark.mid

Top 10 of 4547 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 48618 7.04% 181125 3.31% /
2 3512 0.51% 34972 0.64% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
3 412 0.06% 30768 0.56% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 4492 0.65% 19558 0.36% /hello.htm
5 335 0.05% 17446 0.32% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
6 352 0.05% 16842 0.31% /sounds/rolling_stones__brown_sugar.mid
7 2701 0.39% 16422 0.30% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
8 357 0.05% 16212 0.30% /sounds/kiss__i_was_made_for_loving_you.mid
9 5205 0.75% 15269 0.28% /navigation.htm
10 372 0.05% 13696 0.25% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__one_bourbon_one_scotch_one_beer.mid

Top 10 of 187 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 48618 7.04% 4913 47.17% /
2 3512 0.51% 2657 25.51% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
3 5205 0.75% 346 3.32% /navigation.htm
4 412 0.06% 269 2.58% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
5 423 0.06% 181 1.74% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
6 4643 0.67% 148 1.42% /welcome.htm
7 274 0.04% 143 1.37% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
8 141 0.02% 132 1.27% /tr1/press/web/motor-kritik_txt1.htm
9 4492 0.65% 128 1.23% /hello.htm
10 268 0.04% 112 1.08% /guestbook/guestbook_2007.htm

Top 10 of 197 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3512 0.51% 2999 29.02% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
2 2701 0.39% 1513 14.64% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
3 4492 0.65% 1197 11.58% /hello.htm
4 48618 7.04% 635 6.14% /
5 5205 0.75% 621 6.01% /navigation.htm
6 2688 0.39% 323 3.12% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
7 423 0.06% 219 2.12% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
8 412 0.06% 214 2.07% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
9 721 0.10% 203 1.96% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
10 743 0.11% 192 1.86% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm

Top 30 of 12737 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 96450 13.96% 70248 12.98% 590289 10.80% 352 3.56% *
2 43210 6.25% 43210 7.99% 166003 3.04% 1 0.01%
3 38076 5.51% 29749 5.50% 262956 4.81% 205 2.07% *
4 24402 3.53% 19305 3.57% 187115 3.42% 181 1.83% *
5 14979 2.17% 11164 2.06% 126401 2.31% 118 1.19% *
6 14331 2.07% 14300 2.64% 367154 6.71% 9 0.09%
7 13830 2.00% 1961 0.36% 17348 0.32% 0 0.00%
8 9033 1.31% 7548 1.39% 62246 1.14% 124 1.25% *
9 8534 1.24% 8170 1.51% 77441 1.42% 34 0.34%
10 7360 1.07% 5305 0.98% 66417 1.21% 47 0.47% *
11 6264 0.91% 2974 0.55% 81274 1.49% 12 0.12%
12 5082 0.74% 5072 0.94% 35080 0.64% 37 0.37%
13 3580 0.52% 2901 0.54% 54996 1.01% 185 1.87%
14 3470 0.50% 1190 0.22% 13939 0.25% 3 0.03%
15 3456 0.50% 1682 0.31% 15248 0.28% 7 0.07%
16 3414 0.49% 3396 0.63% 31683 0.58% 57 0.58% *
17 2890 0.42% 2582 0.48% 32917 0.60% 31 0.31% *
18 2703 0.39% 2110 0.39% 17421 0.32% 13 0.13% *
19 2641 0.38% 832 0.15% 21894 0.40% 3 0.03%
20 2551 0.37% 2546 0.47% 59089 1.08% 1 0.01%
21 2344 0.34% 1088 0.20% 11191 0.20% 1 0.01%
22 2185 0.32% 1406 0.26% 13491 0.25% 7 0.07%
23 1950 0.28% 1240 0.23% 11861 0.22% 11 0.11% *
24 1926 0.28% 1911 0.35% 21976 0.40% 8 0.08%
25 1887 0.27% 1887 0.35% 697 0.01% 0 0.00%
26 1884 0.27% 1458 0.27% 16330 0.30% 9 0.09%
27 1877 0.27% 1861 0.34% 6405 0.12% 1 0.01%
28 1852 0.27% 1846 0.34% 16951 0.31% 10 0.10%
29 1837 0.27% 1059 0.20% 10858 0.20% 5 0.05%
30 1803 0.26% 1803 0.33% 10414 0.19% 3 0.03%

Top 10 of 12737 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 96450 13.96% 70248 12.98% 590289 10.80% 352 3.56% *
2 14331 2.07% 14300 2.64% 367154 6.71% 9 0.09%
3 38076 5.51% 29749 5.50% 262956 4.81% 205 2.07% *
4 24402 3.53% 19305 3.57% 187115 3.42% 181 1.83% *
5 43210 6.25% 43210 7.99% 166003 3.04% 1 0.01%
6 14979 2.17% 11164 2.06% 126401 2.31% 118 1.19% *
7 6264 0.91% 2974 0.55% 81274 1.49% 12 0.12%
8 8534 1.24% 8170 1.51% 77441 1.42% 34 0.34%
9 7360 1.07% 5305 0.98% 66417 1.21% 47 0.47% *
10 9033 1.31% 7548 1.39% 62246 1.14% 124 1.25% *

Top 30 of 944 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1424 0.21%
2 1422 0.21%
3 1268 0.18%
4 1167 0.17%
5 954 0.14%
6 783 0.11%
7 772 0.11%
8 681 0.10%
9 380 0.05%
10 351 0.05%
11 312 0.05%
12 307 0.04%
13 307 0.04%
14 295 0.04%
15 267 0.04%
16 254 0.04%
17 246 0.04%
18 229 0.03%
19 222 0.03%
20 173 0.03%
21 171 0.02%
22 162 0.02%
23 155 0.02%
24 130 0.02%
25 123 0.02%
26 116 0.02%
27 115 0.02%
28 113 0.02%äder/suzuki/bike/bikes
29 112 0.02%
30 109 0.02%

Top 20 of 623 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 245 14.30% yamaha tr1
2 244 14.24% tr1
3 47 2.74% yamaha xv920
4 40 2.34% yamaha tr 1
5 34 1.98% bmw r100
6 31 1.81% tr 1
7 29 1.69% xv920
8 27 1.58% yamaha xv1000
9 25 1.46% xv1000
10 20 1.17% yamaha xv 1000
11 19 1.11% tr1 yamaha
12 17 0.99% starter fluid
13 17 0.99%
14 13 0.76% xv1100
15 12 0.70% sepp koch
16 11 0.64% yamaha xv 1000 tr1
17 10 0.58% caferacer
18 9 0.53% tr1 chopper
19 9 0.53% yamaha tr-1
20 8 0.47% xv750

Top 15 of 2214 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 202628 29.33% MS Internet Explorer 7
2 200385 29.00% MS Internet Explorer 6
3 152180 22.03% Mozilla Firefox 2
4 43157 6.25% check_http/1.101 (nagios-plugins 1.4.8)"
5 28955 4.19% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
6 14906 2.16% Safari
7 9450 1.37% Mozilla Firefox 1
8 6642 0.96% Opera 9
9 5288 0.77% MS Internet Explorer
10 5165 0.75% MS Internet Explorer 9
11 3634 0.53% Opera
12 3237 0.47% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
13 2805 0.41% contype"
14 2022 0.29% Mozilla Firefox 3
15 1480 0.21% Mozilla Firefox

Usage by Country for April 2008

Top 30 of 124 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 216368 31.32% 164209 30.35% 1484331 27.15% Network (net)
2 210580 30.48% 167344 30.93% 1328008 24.29% Germany Germany
3 65165 9.43% 57360 10.60% 804858 14.72% Commercial (com)
4 26980 3.90% 19356 3.58% 196508 3.59% Netherlands Netherlands
5 23744 3.44% 16046 2.97% 252672 4.62% France France
6 12757 1.85% 10001 1.85% 174221 3.19% Italy Italy
7 12077 1.75% 8969 1.66% 88130 1.61% Denmark Denmark
8 11965 1.73% 9590 1.77% 105641 1.93% Switzerland Switzerland
9 11040 1.60% 7066 1.31% 74645 1.37% Australia Australia
10 9613 1.39% 8000 1.48% 73021 1.34% Sweden Sweden
11 9008 1.30% 7532 1.39% 88465 1.62% Austria Austria
12 7392 1.07% 6654 1.23% 82956 1.52% United States United States
13 7130 1.03% 4497 0.83% 50141 0.92% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
14 5942 0.86% 3584 0.66% 36307 0.66% New Zealand New Zealand
15 5070 0.73% 4420 0.82% 38331 0.70% Japan Japan
16 4152 0.60% 3153 0.58% 33406 0.61% United Kingdom United Kingdom
17 4128 0.60% 3860 0.71% 37826 0.69% Canada Canada
18 4122 0.60% 3784 0.70% 38826 0.71% Finland Finland
19 3933 0.57% 3622 0.67% 50798 0.93% Russian Federation Russian Federation
20 3470 0.50% 3073 0.57% 54213 0.99% China China
21 3038 0.44% 2825 0.52% 9904 0.18% Ukraine Ukraine
22 2521 0.36% 2383 0.44% 31239 0.57% Poland Poland
23 2510 0.36% 2494 0.46% 26863 0.49% Hungary Hungary
24 2467 0.36% 2292 0.42% 26618 0.49% Czech Republic Czech Republic
25 1803 0.26% 1803 0.33% 10414 0.19% Sudan Sudan
26 1658 0.24% 907 0.17% 9096 0.17% Portugal Portugal
27 1601 0.23% 1216 0.22% 10843 0.20% Belgium Belgium
28 1347 0.19% 1015 0.19% 7908 0.14% Norway Norway
29 1073 0.16% 1030 0.19% 8333 0.15% Brazil Brazil
30 1067 0.15% 717 0.13% 14126 0.26% South Africa South Africa

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23