Usage statistics for (2008)

Summary Period: September 2008
Generated 01-Jul-2011 00:11

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2008
Total Hits 598782
Total Files 475814
Total Pages 37899
Total Visits 7870
Total KBytes 5355406
Total Unique Sites 17194
Total Unique URLs 4729
Total Unique Referrers 946
Total Unique User Agents 2455
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 831 4073
Hits per Day 19959 25410
Files per Day 15860 20495
Pages per Day 1263 1651
Sites per Day 573 1148
Visits per Day 262 335
KBytes per Day 178514 263513
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 79.46% 475814
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.40% 2379
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 4
Code 302 - Found 0.09% 551
Code 304 - Not Modified 19.38% 116071
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 9
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.07% 400
Code 404 - Not Found 0.59% 3510
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 44

Daily usage for September 2008

Daily Statistics for September 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 22036 3.68% 16423 3.45% 1184 3.12% 249 3.16% 700 4.07% 154582 2.89%
2 18580 3.10% 13123 2.76% 1164 3.07% 246 3.13% 749 4.36% 126567 2.36%
3 19021 3.18% 15486 3.25% 1204 3.18% 260 3.30% 713 4.15% 167723 3.13%
4 23452 3.92% 17703 3.72% 1334 3.52% 269 3.42% 641 3.73% 184256 3.44%
5 21803 3.64% 16281 3.42% 1206 3.18% 242 3.07% 719 4.18% 161483 3.02%
6 22173 3.70% 17454 3.67% 1473 3.89% 290 3.68% 731 4.25% 166414 3.11%
7 23232 3.88% 17380 3.65% 1402 3.70% 260 3.30% 682 3.97% 179631 3.35%
8 21627 3.61% 16437 3.45% 1206 3.18% 281 3.57% 670 3.90% 170607 3.19%
9 17371 2.90% 14005 2.94% 1232 3.25% 279 3.55% 772 4.49% 154850 2.89%
10 17747 2.96% 15315 3.22% 1342 3.54% 268 3.41% 714 4.15% 159320 2.97%
11 15863 2.65% 13096 2.75% 1131 2.98% 264 3.35% 501 2.91% 119205 2.23%
12 19032 3.18% 14889 3.13% 1271 3.35% 218 2.77% 439 2.55% 169183 3.16%
13 19145 3.20% 15323 3.22% 1280 3.38% 262 3.33% 535 3.11% 171898 3.21%
14 19993 3.34% 14701 3.09% 1239 3.27% 242 3.07% 750 4.36% 150205 2.80%
15 25410 4.24% 20495 4.31% 1651 4.36% 289 3.67% 768 4.47% 196302 3.67%
16 24370 4.07% 20200 4.25% 1394 3.68% 292 3.71% 772 4.49% 263513 4.92%
17 19698 3.29% 15756 3.31% 1363 3.60% 308 3.91% 794 4.62% 149350 2.79%
18 20718 3.46% 16665 3.50% 1310 3.46% 279 3.55% 757 4.40% 195640 3.65%
19 20928 3.50% 17193 3.61% 1376 3.63% 335 4.26% 759 4.41% 226063 4.22%
20 17530 2.93% 14598 3.07% 1134 2.99% 249 3.16% 640 3.72% 207809 3.88%
21 20886 3.49% 17153 3.60% 1192 3.15% 275 3.49% 832 4.84% 208555 3.89%
22 22899 3.82% 18564 3.90% 1378 3.64% 266 3.38% 882 5.13% 205896 3.84%
23 19671 3.29% 15966 3.36% 1308 3.45% 248 3.15% 871 5.07% 205783 3.84%
24 17515 2.93% 14787 3.11% 1132 2.99% 230 2.92% 910 5.29% 168531 3.15%
25 14304 2.39% 12442 2.61% 974 2.57% 269 3.42% 925 5.38% 173049 3.23%
26 18960 3.17% 15428 3.24% 1237 3.26% 231 2.94% 919 5.34% 193817 3.62%
27 14216 2.37% 11173 2.35% 1165 3.07% 218 2.77% 1003 5.83% 134108 2.50%
28 19589 3.27% 14763 3.10% 1117 2.95% 233 2.96% 1085 6.31% 184484 3.44%
29 17806 2.97% 14654 3.08% 1119 2.95% 237 3.01% 1148 6.68% 194380 3.63%
30 23207 3.88% 18361 3.86% 1381 3.64% 291 3.70% 1106 6.43% 212203 3.96%

Hourly usage for September 2008

Hourly Statistics for September 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 609 18280 3.05% 539 16178 3.40% 40 1203 3.17% 6286 188567 3.52%
1 366 11007 1.84% 313 9412 1.98% 25 763 2.01% 3352 100559 1.88%
2 243 7296 1.22% 208 6244 1.31% 23 699 1.84% 2711 81331 1.52%
3 245 7367 1.23% 218 6546 1.38% 22 667 1.76% 3912 117358 2.19%
4 232 6979 1.17% 195 5864 1.23% 21 631 1.66% 3130 93899 1.75%
5 258 7744 1.29% 182 5483 1.15% 21 651 1.72% 2612 78357 1.46%
6 445 13356 2.23% 355 10668 2.24% 31 950 2.51% 4588 137645 2.57%
7 504 15122 2.53% 420 12629 2.65% 38 1146 3.02% 5063 151903 2.84%
8 653 19601 3.27% 500 15017 3.16% 46 1407 3.71% 5251 157543 2.94%
9 910 27300 4.56% 653 19613 4.12% 59 1779 4.69% 8007 240200 4.49%
10 824 24732 4.13% 674 20233 4.25% 46 1397 3.69% 6712 201350 3.76%
11 919 27596 4.61% 730 21903 4.60% 60 1814 4.79% 7937 238108 4.45%
12 1154 34639 5.78% 940 28210 5.93% 68 2049 5.41% 8762 262865 4.91%
13 793 23813 3.98% 635 19067 4.01% 48 1463 3.86% 7541 226242 4.22%
14 909 27282 4.56% 676 20307 4.27% 56 1694 4.47% 8192 245749 4.59%
15 1094 32829 5.48% 813 24400 5.13% 67 2013 5.31% 8919 267582 5.00%
16 961 28846 4.82% 768 23052 4.84% 66 1996 5.27% 8126 243771 4.55%
17 1164 34926 5.83% 917 27527 5.79% 68 2066 5.45% 9458 283733 5.30%
18 1254 37640 6.29% 996 29885 6.28% 76 2296 6.06% 10215 306437 5.72%
19 1515 45453 7.59% 1175 35257 7.41% 83 2519 6.65% 12378 371333 6.93%
20 1388 41656 6.96% 1066 31996 6.72% 77 2335 6.16% 10827 324809 6.07%
21 1482 44481 7.43% 1162 34889 7.33% 85 2553 6.74% 12773 383197 7.16%
22 1176 35282 5.89% 1015 30463 6.40% 70 2126 5.61% 12819 384559 7.18%
23 851 25555 4.27% 699 20971 4.41% 56 1682 4.44% 8944 268310 5.01%

Top 30 of 4729 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4627 0.77% 13784 0.26% /
2 4035 0.67% 12145 0.23% /navigation.htm
3 3668 0.61% 9965 0.19% /welcome.htm
4 3486 0.58% 16048 0.30% /hello.htm
5 2572 0.43% 47922 0.89% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
6 2503 0.42% 10804 0.20% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
7 2419 0.40% 2831 0.05% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
8 2400 0.40% 16145 0.30% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
9 737 0.12% 9122 0.17% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
10 515 0.09% 6283 0.12% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
11 504 0.08% 39129 0.73% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
12 408 0.07% 8893 0.17% /tr1/tr1_gallery_sepp.htm
13 404 0.07% 4304 0.08% /news.htm
14 340 0.06% 17447 0.33% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
15 335 0.06% 528 0.01% /rallys/rally_frame.htm
16 330 0.06% 4687 0.09% /about.htm
17 319 0.05% 938 0.02% /rallys/rally_2008.htm
18 318 0.05% 11935 0.22% /guestbook/guestbook_2007.htm
19 313 0.05% 4063 0.08% /tr1/tr1_gallery_2.htm
20 303 0.05% 2374 0.04% /rallys/rally_navigation.htm
21 298 0.05% 11863 0.22% /sounds/rolling_stones__satisfaction.mid
22 296 0.05% 9278 0.17% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
23 291 0.05% 11029 0.21% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__boom_boom_boom.mid
24 282 0.05% 20075 0.37% /sounds/kiss__i_was_made_for_loving_you.mid
25 282 0.05% 1918 0.04% /tr1/tr1_gallery_3.htm
26 280 0.05% 23671 0.44% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
27 279 0.05% 6129 0.11% /sounds/dire_straits__brothers_in_mind.mid
28 279 0.05% 9107 0.17% /sounds/zz_top__la_grange.mid
29 278 0.05% 12862 0.24% /sounds/bruce_springsteen__born_in_the_usa.mid
30 277 0.05% 10695 0.20% /sounds/black_sabbath__paranoid.mid

Top 10 of 4729 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2572 0.43% 47922 0.89% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
2 504 0.08% 39129 0.73% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
3 70 0.01% 34828 0.65% /tr1/misc/papercraft/xjr1300.pdf
4 280 0.05% 23671 0.44% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
5 271 0.05% 21230 0.40% /sounds/rolling_stones__brown_sugar.mid
6 282 0.05% 20075 0.37% /sounds/kiss__i_was_made_for_loving_you.mid
7 340 0.06% 17447 0.33% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
8 268 0.04% 16850 0.31% /sounds/animals__house_of_the_rising_sun.mid
9 16 0.00% 16369 0.31% /fun/motorsound.avi
10 2400 0.40% 16145 0.30% /tr1/tr1_top.htm

Top 10 of 179 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4627 0.77% 3922 47.21% /
2 2572 0.43% 1998 24.05% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
3 504 0.08% 358 4.31% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 340 0.06% 208 2.50% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
5 4035 0.67% 203 2.44% /navigation.htm
6 108 0.02% 122 1.47% /tr1/press/web/motor-kritik_txt1.htm
7 318 0.05% 118 1.42% /guestbook/guestbook_2007.htm
8 296 0.05% 108 1.30% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
9 2419 0.40% 81 0.98% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
10 408 0.07% 66 0.79% /tr1/tr1_gallery_sepp.htm

Top 10 of 194 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2572 0.43% 2025 24.83% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
2 2400 0.40% 1347 16.51% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
3 3486 0.58% 888 10.89% /hello.htm
4 4627 0.77% 638 7.82% /
5 4035 0.67% 387 4.74% /navigation.htm
6 504 0.08% 322 3.95% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
7 2503 0.42% 267 3.27% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
8 737 0.12% 159 1.95% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
9 340 0.06% 157 1.92% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
10 515 0.09% 141 1.73% /tr1/tr1_info.htm

Top 30 of 17194 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 77272 12.90% 61931 13.02% 550962 10.29% 300 3.81% *
2 26810 4.48% 21525 4.52% 191423 3.57% 190 2.41% *
3 26593 4.44% 21956 4.61% 167487 3.13% 165 2.10% *
4 14235 2.38% 12044 2.53% 104368 1.95% 82 1.04% *
5 12121 2.02% 9969 2.10% 79384 1.48% 88 1.12% *
6 11171 1.87% 1747 0.37% 15612 0.29% 4 0.05%
7 8512 1.42% 8399 1.77% 65111 1.22% 29 0.37%
8 7658 1.28% 6264 1.32% 76559 1.43% 43 0.55% *
9 6777 1.13% 6759 1.42% 187715 3.51% 36 0.46%
10 5387 0.90% 5149 1.08% 118241 2.21% 5 0.06%
11 5301 0.89% 5300 1.11% 36798 0.69% 38 0.48%
12 4002 0.67% 3516 0.74% 40353 0.75% 32 0.41%
13 3656 0.61% 2078 0.44% 18470 0.34% 7 0.09%
14 3363 0.56% 3351 0.70% 22265 0.42% 19 0.24%
15 3186 0.53% 742 0.16% 5994 0.11% 7 0.09%
16 3023 0.50% 900 0.19% 13367 0.25% 9 0.11%
17 2689 0.45% 2672 0.56% 27977 0.52% 15 0.19% *
18 2552 0.43% 2542 0.53% 48653 0.91% 25 0.32% *
19 2339 0.39% 2334 0.49% 28952 0.54% 86 1.09%
20 2198 0.37% 2198 0.46% 25320 0.47% 11 0.14%
21 2084 0.35% 589 0.12% 4480 0.08% 2 0.03%
22 2077 0.35% 910 0.19% 8873 0.17% 2 0.03%
23 2067 0.35% 2045 0.43% 17812 0.33% 9 0.11%
24 2035 0.34% 553 0.12% 12386 0.23% 3 0.04%
25 1928 0.32% 1198 0.25% 11314 0.21% 2 0.03%
26 1917 0.32% 880 0.18% 13067 0.24% 2 0.03%
27 1911 0.32% 1497 0.31% 32439 0.61% 3 0.04%
28 1824 0.30% 867 0.18% 19648 0.37% 18 0.23%
29 1807 0.30% 1806 0.38% 47786 0.89% 1 0.01%
30 1795 0.30% 1371 0.29% 20851 0.39% 12 0.15%

Top 10 of 17194 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 77272 12.90% 61931 13.02% 550962 10.29% 300 3.81% *
2 26810 4.48% 21525 4.52% 191423 3.57% 190 2.41% *
3 6777 1.13% 6759 1.42% 187715 3.51% 36 0.46%
4 26593 4.44% 21956 4.61% 167487 3.13% 165 2.10% *
5 5387 0.90% 5149 1.08% 118241 2.21% 5 0.06%
6 14235 2.38% 12044 2.53% 104368 1.95% 82 1.04% *
7 12121 2.02% 9969 2.10% 79384 1.48% 88 1.12% *
8 7658 1.28% 6264 1.32% 76559 1.43% 43 0.55% *
9 8512 1.42% 8399 1.77% 65111 1.22% 29 0.37%
10 2552 0.43% 2542 0.53% 48653 0.91% 25 0.32% *

Top 30 of 946 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 7985 1.33%
2 3910 0.65%
3 1006 0.17%
4 880 0.15%
5 552 0.09%
6 365 0.06%
7 341 0.06%
8 328 0.05%
9 324 0.05%
10 308 0.05%
11 295 0.05%
12 285 0.05%
13 281 0.05%
14 199 0.03%
15 182 0.03%
16 169 0.03%
17 132 0.02%,432.0.html
18 129 0.02%
19 122 0.02%
20 116 0.02%
21 114 0.02%,2/Oldtimer/zweirad/horex/hercules/simson/kraftr\xc3\xa4der/suzuki/bike/bikes/125er
22 112 0.02%
23 102 0.02%
24 88 0.01%
25 88 0.01%
26 86 0.01%,2/Oldtimer/zweirad/horex/hercules/simson/kraftr\xe4der/suzuki/bike/bikes/125er
27 76 0.01%
28 74 0.01%
29 74 0.01%äder/suzuki/bike/bikes
30 71 0.01%

Top 20 of 436 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 294 22.97% yamaha tr1
2 184 14.38% tr1
3 29 2.27% xv920
4 27 2.11% yamaha tr 1
5 25 1.95% tr1 yamaha
6 25 1.95%
7 22 1.72% yamaha xv920
8 20 1.56% xv1000
9 15 1.17% yamaha xv1000
10 14 1.09% featherbed frame
11 14 1.09% yamaha xv 1000
12 13 1.02% tr 1
13 12 0.94% tr1 cafe racer
14 10 0.78% tr-1
15 8 0.62%
16 7 0.55% timing gear
17 6 0.47% xv1000 tr1
18 6 0.47% xv750 chopper
19 6 0.47% yamaha xv 920
20 5 0.39% bmw r100

Top 15 of 2455 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 164127 27.41% MS Internet Explorer 7
2 163027 27.23% MS Internet Explorer 6
3 122518 20.46% Mozilla Firefox 3
4 41953 7.01% Mozilla Firefox 2
5 39463 6.59% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
6 13220 2.21% Opera 9
7 11474 1.92% Mozilla Firefox 1
8 8351 1.39% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
9 7485 1.25% Safari
10 3457 0.58% MS Internet Explorer 9
11 2984 0.50% MS Internet Explorer
12 2637 0.44% MS Internet Explorer 8
13 2499 0.42% Google Chrome
14 2371 0.40% Opera
15 2281 0.38% contype"

Usage by Country for September 2008

Top 30 of 130 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 177253 29.60% 139367 29.29% 1333173 24.89% Germany Germany
2 164029 27.39% 133637 28.09% 1297396 24.23% Network (net)
3 64416 10.76% 52278 10.99% 759264 14.18% Commercial (com)
4 28162 4.70% 22365 4.70% 207120 3.87% Netherlands Netherlands
5 21288 3.56% 15511 3.26% 253996 4.74% Austria Austria
6 12244 2.04% 10427 2.19% 117588 2.20% France France
7 11414 1.91% 9300 1.95% 97488 1.82% Australia Australia
8 9488 1.58% 6701 1.41% 86561 1.62% Sweden Sweden
9 9188 1.53% 5387 1.13% 51684 0.97% Finland Finland
10 8090 1.35% 6181 1.30% 67232 1.26% United Kingdom United Kingdom
11 6935 1.16% 5665 1.19% 55310 1.03% New Zealand New Zealand
12 6933 1.16% 3859 0.81% 41759 0.78% Canada Canada
13 6176 1.03% 4800 1.01% 46403 0.87% Denmark Denmark
14 5871 0.98% 4485 0.94% 71784 1.34% Switzerland Switzerland
15 5716 0.95% 5170 1.09% 112313 2.10% Czech Republic Czech Republic
16 5285 0.88% 4921 1.03% 66672 1.24% Italy Italy
17 4698 0.78% 3577 0.75% 39756 0.74% Belgium Belgium
18 4556 0.76% 4167 0.88% 45407 0.85% Hungary Hungary
19 4431 0.74% 4130 0.87% 48895 0.91% United States United States
20 4373 0.73% 3849 0.81% 38564 0.72% Japan Japan
21 4183 0.70% 3719 0.78% 88922 1.66% Russian Federation Russian Federation
22 4153 0.69% 3322 0.70% 46979 0.88% Poland Poland
23 3372 0.56% 2850 0.60% 33200 0.62% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
24 2875 0.48% 2799 0.59% 21713 0.41% Norway Norway
25 2035 0.34% 1943 0.41% 63503 1.19% China China
26 1836 0.31% 1336 0.28% 26575 0.50% Panama Panama
27 1780 0.30% 936 0.20% 11816 0.22% Spain Spain
28 1525 0.25% 1296 0.27% 7419 0.14% Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
29 835 0.14% 378 0.08% 3172 0.06% Mexico Mexico
30 816 0.14% 767 0.16% 10195 0.19% Romania Romania

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23