Usage statistics for (2008)

Summary Period: October 2008
Generated 01-Jul-2011 00:14

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2008
Total Hits 608111
Total Files 482444
Total Pages 36778
Total Visits 7244
Total KBytes 6277553
Total Unique Sites 20571
Total Unique URLs 5525
Total Unique Referrers 1135
Total Unique User Agents 2742
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 817 6633
Hits per Day 19616 40806
Files per Day 15562 37773
Pages per Day 1186 1580
Sites per Day 663 1071
Visits per Day 233 296
KBytes per Day 202502 825175
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 79.33% 482444
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.39% 2373
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 4
Code 302 - Found 0.13% 772
Code 304 - Not Modified 19.65% 119472
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 2
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.04% 265
Code 404 - Not Found 0.46% 2773
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 6

Daily usage for October 2008

Daily Statistics for October 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 23041 3.79% 18208 3.77% 1369 3.72% 225 3.11% 1047 5.09% 209882 3.34%
2 22882 3.76% 17054 3.53% 1435 3.90% 240 3.31% 1071 5.21% 208978 3.33%
3 18655 3.07% 15029 3.12% 1207 3.28% 204 2.82% 1012 4.92% 192837 3.07%
4 14368 2.36% 11334 2.35% 770 2.09% 215 2.97% 985 4.79% 168425 2.68%
5 21091 3.47% 17807 3.69% 1580 4.30% 258 3.56% 1027 4.99% 205569 3.27%
6 20301 3.34% 15429 3.20% 1241 3.37% 230 3.18% 1026 4.99% 198990 3.17%
7 15840 2.60% 13158 2.73% 1095 2.98% 228 3.15% 983 4.78% 229214 3.65%
8 21413 3.52% 17166 3.56% 1389 3.78% 244 3.37% 1032 5.02% 191599 3.05%
9 15827 2.60% 12772 2.65% 1101 2.99% 235 3.24% 1015 4.93% 145327 2.32%
10 15947 2.62% 13180 2.73% 1018 2.77% 218 3.01% 971 4.72% 155934 2.48%
11 14257 2.34% 11255 2.33% 898 2.44% 180 2.48% 850 4.13% 127941 2.04%
12 40806 6.71% 37773 7.83% 1303 3.54% 240 3.31% 985 4.79% 825175 13.14%
13 19832 3.26% 16499 3.42% 1074 2.92% 228 3.15% 956 4.65% 229101 3.65%
14 20605 3.39% 17492 3.63% 1133 3.08% 263 3.63% 983 4.78% 214107 3.41%
15 19446 3.20% 16321 3.38% 1366 3.71% 272 3.75% 949 4.61% 189514 3.02%
16 20178 3.32% 16655 3.45% 1223 3.33% 254 3.51% 1040 5.06% 198065 3.16%
17 17611 2.90% 13879 2.88% 1061 2.88% 223 3.08% 854 4.15% 174348 2.78%
18 18388 3.02% 16011 3.32% 1430 3.89% 284 3.92% 907 4.41% 191835 3.06%
19 15643 2.57% 12847 2.66% 980 2.66% 203 2.80% 816 3.97% 126215 2.01%
20 21927 3.61% 15196 3.15% 1200 3.26% 224 3.09% 813 3.95% 178922 2.85%
21 21351 3.51% 16506 3.42% 1382 3.76% 235 3.24% 952 4.63% 206519 3.29%
22 25382 4.17% 16719 3.47% 1215 3.30% 227 3.13% 910 4.42% 219727 3.50%
23 13086 2.15% 10169 2.11% 840 2.28% 186 2.57% 888 4.32% 104361 1.66%
24 17990 2.96% 12946 2.68% 1131 3.08% 191 2.64% 820 3.99% 149547 2.38%
25 16951 2.79% 12040 2.50% 1143 3.11% 205 2.83% 770 3.74% 172412 2.75%
26 21898 3.60% 17942 3.72% 1535 4.17% 296 4.09% 958 4.66% 204634 3.26%
27 20796 3.42% 14217 2.95% 1098 2.99% 267 3.69% 831 4.04% 183380 2.92%
28 19169 3.15% 14472 3.00% 1204 3.27% 270 3.73% 881 4.28% 173530 2.76%
29 17887 2.94% 13683 2.84% 1073 2.92% 253 3.49% 733 3.56% 190671 3.04%
30 14443 2.38% 11902 2.47% 945 2.57% 217 3.00% 821 3.99% 135673 2.16%
31 21100 3.47% 16783 3.48% 1339 3.64% 240 3.31% 758 3.68% 175124 2.79%

Hourly usage for October 2008

Hourly Statistics for October 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 406 12598 2.07% 365 11327 2.35% 31 978 2.66% 5534 171568 2.73%
1 328 10168 1.67% 273 8475 1.76% 26 815 2.22% 4127 127931 2.04%
2 275 8534 1.40% 238 7403 1.53% 24 770 2.09% 3318 102845 1.64%
3 259 8051 1.32% 216 6717 1.39% 20 622 1.69% 3833 118834 1.89%
4 285 8839 1.45% 234 7262 1.51% 25 790 2.15% 3940 122125 1.95%
5 201 6252 1.03% 164 5091 1.06% 26 809 2.20% 3509 108766 1.73%
6 285 8856 1.46% 242 7504 1.56% 23 721 1.96% 3552 110105 1.75%
7 466 14462 2.38% 380 11801 2.45% 33 1046 2.84% 5319 164903 2.63%
8 816 25315 4.16% 644 19976 4.14% 39 1234 3.36% 13852 429412 6.84%
9 1120 34739 5.71% 756 23449 4.86% 53 1660 4.51% 11435 354491 5.65%
10 1156 35849 5.90% 898 27849 5.77% 52 1613 4.39% 11834 366855 5.84%
11 1068 33122 5.45% 867 26900 5.58% 61 1894 5.15% 11609 359880 5.73%
12 1114 34534 5.68% 916 28426 5.89% 75 2336 6.35% 10203 316293 5.04%
13 978 30345 4.99% 752 23337 4.84% 62 1941 5.28% 9687 300302 4.78%
14 1031 31967 5.26% 771 23909 4.96% 58 1825 4.96% 9579 296945 4.73%
15 849 26323 4.33% 684 21205 4.40% 49 1549 4.21% 8947 277349 4.42%
16 972 30134 4.96% 805 24963 5.17% 56 1755 4.77% 9013 279403 4.45%
17 907 28129 4.63% 723 22431 4.65% 58 1824 4.96% 8436 261504 4.17%
18 1223 37932 6.24% 986 30593 6.34% 70 2186 5.94% 10395 322246 5.13%
19 1244 38585 6.35% 983 30479 6.32% 67 2083 5.66% 9734 301755 4.81%
20 1512 46885 7.71% 1202 37283 7.73% 81 2514 6.84% 13543 419821 6.69%
21 1229 38111 6.27% 953 29550 6.13% 69 2163 5.88% 10872 337031 5.37%
22 1152 35724 5.87% 919 28510 5.91% 70 2199 5.98% 13522 419192 6.68%
23 730 22657 3.73% 580 18004 3.73% 46 1451 3.95% 6710 207996 3.31%

Top 30 of 5525 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4626 0.76% 13369 0.21% /
2 4074 0.67% 11714 0.19% /navigation.htm
3 3685 0.61% 9610 0.15% /welcome.htm
4 3489 0.57% 15380 0.25% /hello.htm
5 2430 0.40% 10237 0.16% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
6 2337 0.38% 44644 0.71% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
7 2319 0.38% 2675 0.04% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
8 2302 0.38% 15084 0.24% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
9 676 0.11% 8383 0.13% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm
10 508 0.08% 6344 0.10% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
11 415 0.07% 32044 0.51% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
12 361 0.06% 6923 0.11% /tr1/tr1_gallery_sepp.htm
13 354 0.06% 3947 0.06% /news.htm
14 316 0.05% 11918 0.19% /guestbook/guestbook_2007.htm
15 305 0.05% 25689 0.41% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
16 303 0.05% 4463 0.07% /about.htm
17 300 0.05% 15471 0.25% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
18 299 0.05% 16377 0.26% /sounds/jimi_hendrix__hey_joe.mid
19 293 0.05% 10109 0.16% /sounds/foreigner__cold_as_ice.mid
20 289 0.05% 17000 0.27% /sounds/john_lee_hooker__one_bourbon_one_scotch_one_beer.mid
21 287 0.05% 10846 0.17% /sounds/stevie_ray_vaughan__crossfire.mid
22 286 0.05% 13257 0.21% /sounds/bruce_springsteen__born_in_the_usa.mid
23 285 0.05% 8650 0.14% /sounds/blues_brothers__everybody.mid
24 285 0.05% 10215 0.16% /sounds/bruce_springsteen__dancing_in_the_dark.mid
25 285 0.05% 11112 0.18% /sounds/rolling_stones__satisfaction.mid
26 284 0.05% 3719 0.06% /tr1/tr1_gallery_2.htm
27 283 0.05% 8717 0.14% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
28 276 0.05% 10176 0.16% /sounds/brian_adams__cloud_9.mid
29 276 0.05% 14535 0.23% /sounds/deep_purple__smoke_on_the_water.mid
30 274 0.05% 16488 0.26% /sounds/animals__house_of_the_rising_sun.mid

Top 10 of 5525 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1 0.00% 91082 1.45% /BI.rar
2 2337 0.38% 44644 0.71% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
3 415 0.07% 32044 0.51% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 305 0.05% 25689 0.41% /sounds/bryan_adams__summer_of_69.mid
5 18 0.00% 24660 0.39% /rallys/2004/video/bernhard_markus.avi
6 70 0.01% 23904 0.38% /tr1/misc/papercraft/xjr1300.pdf
7 266 0.04% 21245 0.34% /sounds/rolling_stones__brown_sugar.mid
8 17 0.00% 18780 0.30% /tr1/misc/papercraft/yz450fm_instructions.pdf
9 6 0.00% 18286 0.29% /rallys/2000/best_friends_gone.mp3
10 253 0.04% 17919 0.29% /sounds/kiss__i_was_made_for_loving_you.mid

Top 10 of 163 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4626 0.76% 3968 49.99% /
2 2337 0.38% 1790 22.55% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
3 415 0.07% 266 3.35% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
4 4074 0.67% 241 3.04% /navigation.htm
5 300 0.05% 170 2.14% /guestbook/guestbook_2005.htm
6 316 0.05% 125 1.57% /guestbook/guestbook_2007.htm
7 283 0.05% 88 1.11% /tr1/tr1_press.htm
8 84 0.01% 82 1.03% /tr1/press/web/motor-kritik_txt1.htm
9 2319 0.38% 66 0.83% /tr1/tr1_frame.htm
10 676 0.11% 63 0.79% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm

Top 10 of 173 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2337 0.38% 1779 22.59% /guestbook/guestbook.htm
2 2302 0.38% 1307 16.60% /tr1/tr1_top.htm
3 3489 0.57% 964 12.24% /hello.htm
4 4626 0.76% 567 7.20% /
5 4074 0.67% 481 6.11% /navigation.htm
6 2430 0.40% 322 4.09% /tr1/tr1_navigation.htm
7 415 0.07% 248 3.15% /guestbook/guestbook_2003.htm
8 508 0.08% 155 1.97% /tr1/tr1_info.htm
9 316 0.05% 150 1.91% /guestbook/guestbook_2007.htm
10 676 0.11% 147 1.87% /tr1/tr1_gallery.htm

Top 30 of 20571 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 97282 16.00% 72824 15.09% 791735 12.61% 330 4.56% *
2 32979 5.42% 24859 5.15% 272875 4.35% 196 2.71% *
3 23479 3.86% 21048 4.36% 291832 4.65% 160 2.21% *
4 22172 3.65% 22136 4.59% 643497 10.25% 2 0.03%
5 19838 3.26% 13719 2.84% 132254 2.11% 95 1.31% *
6 17228 2.83% 15869 3.29% 146573 2.33% 131 1.81% *
7 13384 2.20% 2865 0.59% 22835 0.36% 1 0.01%
8 5527 0.91% 3989 0.83% 58777 0.94% 81 1.12%
9 4737 0.78% 2774 0.57% 20973 0.33% 11 0.15%
10 4691 0.77% 4070 0.84% 44891 0.72% 45 0.62% *
11 4602 0.76% 4315 0.89% 44076 0.70% 24 0.33% *
12 3742 0.62% 1246 0.26% 13161 0.21% 4 0.06%
13 2875 0.47% 1267 0.26% 43794 0.70% 6 0.08%
14 2417 0.40% 2416 0.50% 34925 0.56% 47 0.65%
15 2322 0.38% 2318 0.48% 92838 1.48% 14 0.19%
16 2263 0.37% 703 0.15% 9672 0.15% 4 0.06%
17 2111 0.35% 1349 0.28% 23055 0.37% 9 0.12%
18 2085 0.34% 1936 0.40% 15072 0.24% 12 0.17%
19 2065 0.34% 1478 0.31% 13780 0.22% 26 0.36%
20 2041 0.34% 2028 0.42% 15412 0.25% 7 0.10%
21 1993 0.33% 934 0.19% 10350 0.16% 3 0.04%
22 1986 0.33% 1653 0.34% 27069 0.43% 10 0.14% *
23 1899 0.31% 1886 0.39% 10763 0.17% 6 0.08%
24 1832 0.30% 1825 0.38% 14260 0.23% 10 0.14%
25 1828 0.30% 1389 0.29% 17905 0.29% 8 0.11% *
26 1817 0.30% 735 0.15% 8416 0.13% 4 0.06%
27 1597 0.26% 1180 0.24% 9952 0.16% 1 0.01%
28 1541 0.25% 644 0.13% 11147 0.18% 2 0.03%
29 1498 0.25% 1091 0.23% 14753 0.24% 16 0.22%
30 1485 0.24% 1481 0.31% 13869 0.22% 2 0.03%

Top 10 of 20571 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 97282 16.00% 72824 15.09% 791735 12.61% 330 4.56% *
2 22172 3.65% 22136 4.59% 643497 10.25% 2 0.03%
3 23479 3.86% 21048 4.36% 291832 4.65% 160 2.21% *
4 32979 5.42% 24859 5.15% 272875 4.35% 196 2.71% *
5 17228 2.83% 15869 3.29% 146573 2.33% 131 1.81% *
6 19838 3.26% 13719 2.84% 132254 2.11% 95 1.31% *
7 2322 0.38% 2318 0.48% 92838 1.48% 14 0.19%
8 5527 0.91% 3989 0.83% 58777 0.94% 81 1.12%
9 4691 0.77% 4070 0.84% 44891 0.72% 45 0.62% *
10 4602 0.76% 4315 0.89% 44076 0.70% 24 0.33% *

Top 30 of 1135 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9999 1.64%
2 8224 1.35%
3 3420 0.56%
4 1182 0.19%
5 845 0.14%
6 816 0.13%
7 573 0.09%
8 527 0.09%
9 445 0.07%
10 407 0.07%
11 340 0.06%
12 331 0.05%
13 329 0.05%
14 273 0.04%
15 232 0.04%
16 180 0.03%,2/Oldtimer/zweirad/horex/hercules/simson/kraftr\xc3\xa4der/suzuki/bike/bikes/125er
17 154 0.03%
18 137 0.02%
19 121 0.02%
20 103 0.02%,432.0.html
21 94 0.02%
22 94 0.02%,2/Oldtimer/zweirad/horex/hercules/simson/krafträder/suzuki/bike/bikes/125er
23 93 0.02%
24 90 0.01%,2/Oldtimer/zweirad/horex/hercules/simson/kraftr\xe4der/suzuki/bike/bikes/125er
25 88 0.01%
26 80 0.01%
27 78 0.01%
28 74 0.01%
29 66 0.01%
30 66 0.01%

Top 20 of 469 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 241 18.55% yamaha tr1
2 115 8.85% tr1
3 61 4.70%
4 31 2.39% yamaha tr 1
5 30 2.31%
6 25 1.92% schema electric
7 22 1.69% manfreds tr1
8 22 1.69% xv920
9 19 1.46% yamaha xv920
10 17 1.31% yamaha xv 1000
11 17 1.31% yamaha xv1000
12 16 1.23% xv1000
13 13 1.00% xv1000 tr1
14 11 0.85% bmw r100
15 11 0.85% tr1 yamaha
16 8 0.62% gr%c3%bcne flagge
17 8 0.62% sepp koch
18 8 0.62% xv750
19 7 0.54% tr 1
20 6 0.46% tr1 exhaust

Top 15 of 2742 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 189206 31.11% MS Internet Explorer 7
2 142368 23.41% MS Internet Explorer 6
3 114306 18.80% Mozilla Firefox 3
4 52327 8.60% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 5
5 36249 5.96% Mozilla Firefox 2
6 14283 2.35% Safari
7 13858 2.28% Opera 9
8 8920 1.47% Mozilla Firefox 1
9 6971 1.15% MS Internet Explorer 8
10 4259 0.70% MS Internet Explorer
11 4255 0.70% MS Internet Explorer 9
12 3957 0.65% Mozilla Netscape (or similar) 4
13 2367 0.39% contype"
14 2220 0.37% Opera
15 840 0.14% Opera 8

Usage by Country for October 2008

Top 30 of 133 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 202352 33.28% 159006 32.96% 1814751 28.91% Network (net)
2 164402 27.03% 129106 26.76% 1454162 23.16% Germany Germany
3 70789 11.64% 64618 13.39% 1245304 19.84% Commercial (com)
4 24886 4.09% 17866 3.70% 239321 3.81% Netherlands Netherlands
5 13869 2.28% 10595 2.20% 128165 2.04% Australia Australia
6 12820 2.11% 7789 1.61% 95239 1.52% New Zealand New Zealand
7 11814 1.94% 6841 1.42% 109768 1.75% Sweden Sweden
8 10376 1.71% 7275 1.51% 107242 1.71% Austria Austria
9 10079 1.66% 8199 1.70% 95050 1.51% France France
10 9387 1.54% 6540 1.36% 70445 1.12% Denmark Denmark
11 7307 1.20% 6314 1.31% 79784 1.27% Switzerland Switzerland
12 5584 0.92% 4918 1.02% 105309 1.68% Russian Federation Russian Federation
13 5454 0.90% 4919 1.02% 68737 1.09% United States United States
14 4745 0.78% 4545 0.94% 38967 0.62% Hungary Hungary
15 4593 0.76% 3945 0.82% 52079 0.83% Italy Italy
16 4483 0.74% 3666 0.76% 38014 0.61% Canada Canada
17 4103 0.67% 3426 0.71% 42196 0.67% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
18 3954 0.65% 2636 0.55% 31890 0.51% United Kingdom United Kingdom
19 3606 0.59% 2842 0.59% 30155 0.48% Japan Japan
20 2819 0.46% 2265 0.47% 19822 0.32% Finland Finland
21 2662 0.44% 2601 0.54% 43548 0.69% Czech Republic Czech Republic
22 2415 0.40% 2333 0.48% 22750 0.36% Belgium Belgium
23 2397 0.39% 2165 0.45% 24662 0.39% Poland Poland
24 2314 0.38% 2281 0.47% 14775 0.24% Togo Togo
25 2121 0.35% 1061 0.22% 12144 0.19% Non-Profit (org)
26 1869 0.31% 1754 0.36% 26163 0.42% Thailand Thailand
27 1503 0.25% 1457 0.30% 42783 0.68% China China
28 1123 0.18% 744 0.15% 14159 0.23% Panama Panama
29 1074 0.18% 1063 0.22% 8096 0.13% US Government (gov)
30 865 0.14% 743 0.15% 6204 0.10% Norway Norway

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23