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Ever read a homage towards a TR1? Here you find some!
Davide Artioli sent me his "Homage towards a TR1 ...". Oliver Neusinger, who lives in South Africa, replied to it.
That strange motorbike in the salon fascinated me so deeply, it was the prototype of iron horse I always dreamed, so I collected all my savings and I betrayed my first love, a Ducati Scrambler 450 (I kept in the garage for eighteen years but, in the end, I have sold it this year because, no way, I never used it after). In the evening of the 22nd October 1982 I became the owner of the TR1 sn.006140 and I'm still nowadays. It shined in a metallic gray, a tint that turned lighter or darker, following the trends across all these years; same story for the seat, thinner or fatter depending by the sensitivity of the girlfriend's bottom. The only optional: a Krauser frame for motor bags, always carried in my travels with many types of items except naturally, a pair of original bags J. Basically the motorbike was the '81 model with a refurbished tail and rear fender, with speedometer marked in Mph and a frame plate made for the UK or NL, I never understood really. Going back with the memories, we were a perfect couple and we shared heaps of perfect sunsets. I knew well before all her weak points, I read all the reviews and weighted all the odds in advance, hence I always tried to avoid to force on the throttle, caring for a pink future. When after the 1500 check, I had an argument with that bloody dealer, I realized my swan was just a poor duck for mama Yamaha, and of course I didn't want share no more my love with any meccanico. Nevertheless, once we reached 10000 miles the first rear cylinder/head gasket (here comes out my limit with the mechanical speeches, I'm more at ease with the computer slang) blown out, and I had my first date with the damned gaskets seating, so I just bought a pair of original gaskets and hoped. After all was an easy affair to maintain the right timing of the camshafts, change the gaskets and remount the heads, but where to find the right torque for the head bolts? Many voices reported several values; it was only a matter of estimate a mathematical media J. After some months, with the help of a friend of mine, was time for new camshafts and balancers ok... take out the wallet. Then again, after 10000 precise miles the head gaskets... I didn't still know anything about the '83 cylinders and about many others marvels I found... in your site. So I managed to solve the problem in this way: a holy craftsman prepared a couple of rings made of soft copper, a material commonly used in racing, and with a rubber string for high temperature I arranged the O rings for the chains seating. Now it's easy imagine the horror on your face whilst you read about these tricks, and how this way to work around the project weaknesses could seem very "Italian" J, anyway it worked fine for 40000 miles. In fact actually the odometer shows 61700 miles, naturally I changed once the exhaust tubes, and it's time for changing them again, the rear quarter bend has been soldered too much times (presently I fix it with a ribbon for exhaust plants every two/three months). Finally we reach "the point": last Sunday I worked hard for substitute a leaking fork seal, I filled both the arms with new oil, checked in the meantime the wheel balancing, and finally I stared once again to those beautiful silhouette... He he, Monday when I reached the office (during the summertime the TR1 eats 80km everyday...) a huge pond of oil was pouring under the engine, sigh & sniff... The source was located in the upper part of the left crankcase cover, right between the generator and the rear bloody cylinder. When the engine is on and warm, tiny bubbles are clearly visible. So, while I was prostrated in a dark mood, about the short-term future of my beloved motorbike and the perspective to spend again money and time, I wandered across the net and I typed hopeless "TR1" and Google reported your site, Huh...?! if I can express my admiration with two words: SIMPLY GREAT! In all these years (using the net by the times of Netscape 1.x) I never suspected (shame on me) such a goldmine, plenty of hints (I can grab only a bit of German words, but after all Germany seems the country where these twins are most common, so anyway, we all owe a big beer to your project), a Cosmo of passionate drivers (even near my town) that share the same insane passion. Yes you read right, I start guessing for the science would be truly precious to have the chance to study our brains, after our departure from this world, of course; many aspect of human behavior would be finally explained, i.e.: why we spent such great amount of hours for improve a device, that took few days of developing to the engineering team at Yamaha? J? Ok Guys, no flames, I'm kidding, is the humor of a man before the deadly choice: what to do? Buy a new BMW 1150GS (Yes, I admit the temptation toward that luxury object), or venture in a deep refurbishing project? Let's say straightly, if I start to dismount the f... crankcase cover I can't avoid changing those tired cam chains (at this point the clutch disks & springs on the other side are mandatory) and maybe renew the camshafts, how are the balancers? And most of all, the true heart of engine: cylinders and pistons, or the rings at least. Everybody out there knows what I mean, the frightening option of a tough job to perform with proper tools and know-how... And plenty of bucks! Would be better to consider finally a treatment under the hands of a real Meccanico? Well, probably it's much easier to find two men that know that engine in Töging than only one in the whole Italy. I will be yet tangled in this empasse for a while, mumbling about these amlethic doubts, to try with Loctite or Dynamite, in the meantime, any suggestion by the brothers-in-seat will be deeply treasured, except for one: -Sell it! - I could not! That bloody Motorbike would appear back in my nightmares running after me for a slaughter! BRAVO to Manfred, Sepp and all others guys for build up and maintain this site! Ciao to every driver out there Davide P.S.: Anybody knows why XV1000 model is named TR on the European market...? Davide Artioli Via Castellanza, 57 20025 Legnano |
Oliver Neusinger's reply:
I have read your homage to the only bike there is - TR.1. Great!! I must admit, I have had similar experiences with my TR.1, although in all I was luckier than you. My TR is a '83 model, so cylinder head problems zero. However, I had trouble with the front cylinder camshaft and rocker. I had to replace those five times during the first 50.000 kilometre, until a major overhaul by Yamaha in Germany solved the problem (by the way, free of charge). Since then, no more trouble. The odometer shows now 130.000 Km. My particular TR has done most of its miles in Europe, but about a year ago I had it shipped to South-Africa, where I have been living for the last 10 Years. Anyway, once the bike arrived, I stripped it down to the bone to have it completely re-done. My brother, who was riding the bike since I left Germany, had the bike stand in a garage for 3 years without any attention. You can imagine, what the bike looked like. My wife thought, I was completely nuts to import a piece of scrap-metal. Anyway, as I do not have the time or the tools (yes I have an original workshop manual) to do an engine overhaul or spray painting, I looked for some time for a workshop, who could help me. Now, remember, there were only approx. 250 TR.1' imported into the country...ever. After much search and talk to people in the know, I actually found a place, which specialises in customising bikes, particularly bikes with V-engines from Yamaha. I could not believe my luck. I can tell you, today my TR looks like brand new (I used only original parts and had them re-sprayed etc.) and rides again like a dream. Except for the exhaust, which is custom made and an ears delight, I have kept it to original spec's (ok, I had changed the back of the bike to the '81 model configuration). Anyway, you might be asking, why I tell you all of this - well, only one reason: keep the bike - spend the time to overhaul - I convinced myself and my wife how great this bike is once back to its old glory. We have planned our first holiday together, that is my TR, my wife and I, for end of November down the famous Garden Route. I can not wait to get going. So long, my friend in special bikes Maybe I will hear from you. Oliver |
erixx@t-online.de sent me a poem about a (his?) TR1:
my tr1 (love without sex) bought a bike - thought like a bike in sweet memory - erixn |